Magnetic signature of submarine
Magnetic signatures of naval vessels A vessel traveling on the surface or under water gives rise to detectable local disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field. These disturbances can be used to trigger weapon systems. This can be avoided by demagnetizing the vessel by generating a counteracting magnetic field.
Problem Definition Top: Vm=1989 (A) - corresponding to B0=0.5 (G) vessel parameters: length: 30 m diameter: 5 m hull thickness: 5 cm Sides: Bottom: Vm=0
Weak form shell equation: -(mu0_nc*MUR*th*VmTx*VmTx_test+ mu0_nc*MUR*th*VmTy*VmTy_test+ mu0_nc*MUR*th*VmTz*VmTz_test)