Month Year Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0135r0 January 2008 Co-located interference – comment resolution options to CIDs 591, 1277, 1745, 1746 and 1748 Date: 2008-01-15 Authors: Slide 1 Page 1 Jari Jokela John Doe, Some Company
Month Year Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0135r0 January 2008 Abstract This presentation introduces some potential resolutions to CIDs 591, 1277, 1745, 1746 and 1748. Slide 2 Page 2 Jari Jokela John Doe, Some Company
January 2008 Comments
January 2008 Options Option 1: Continue with the current draft specification text and try to make some editorial changes to make it less vague. Option 2: Enable requesting STA to set the interference level threshold Option 3: Enable requesting STA to set the interference level threshold but enable reporting STA to use different threshold and report it back to the requesting STA
January 2008 Options
January 2008 Some observations Option 1: Simple but may be still too vague to satisfy commenters Option 2: Makes the reporting conditions more explicit. However the requesting STA may not have any glue of correct threshold which may result to unnecessary or missing reports => feature becomes useless. Option 3: Most complex. May not remove the concerns expressed in the comments.
January 2008 Straw Polls What is the prefferred option (please select only single option)? Straw Poll 1: Option 1 presented in 08/0135r0 is the best option YES: NO: Straw Poll 1: Option 2 presented in 08/0135r0 is the best option Straw Poll 1: Option 3 presented in 08/0135r0 is the best option