Chapel Audio Video and Lighting Operation Guide
Basic Setup
Turn on the lights. On the blue panel press 1
The red panel has 6 different presets for the stage lighting.
Power on the Allen and Heath GLD80 (audio desk) Power on the Allen and Heath GLD80 (audio desk). The switch is at the back of the desk on the left hand side.
If you are doing a presentation where the lectern is located in the center of the parquetry floor it’s recommended that you set the speaker preset control to the 2nd position. This will disable the bottom speaker reducing the chances of feedback.
Using your general staff key turn the power on to the remaining systems. The keyhole is located under the desk on the right hand side.
Press the On/Source button on the projector controller
Plug your laptop in using the HDMI cable on the desk *Note – Depending on your laptop you may require a Display Port to HDMI adapter. There should be one located near the HDMI cable. If there isn’t one please contact ICT Once the projectors have warmed up you should see your laptop on the screens.
By now the audio desk should be at the login screen By now the audio desk should be at the login screen. Depending on your situation there are some presets that might work for you.
Pulpit / Lectern only will set the Pulpit / Lectern microphone to a predefined level and bring up all the required faders. To get the best volume for your speaker move the Pulpit / Lectern fader up or down.
Shutting down the system is important once you leave Shutting down the system is important once you leave. First at the home screen of the audio desk (press processing once or twice if not there) press the “Power Down” button. You are then prompted to confirm. Press “Yes”.
Press the off button on the projector controller Press the off button on the projector controller. You can then turn the remaining systems off with your key.
Advanced Functions
Vision The Roland XS-84H can send different video to different destinations ie laptop to projectors and camera to narthex monitors. The inputs and outputs are as follows. Input 1 – HDMI Output 1 – Projector Left and balcony Input 2 – VGA Output 2 – Projector Right Input 3 – Chapel Camera Output 3 – Narthex monitors Input 4 – HDMI Extender Output 4 – AV Display / Record / Audio Desk Input 8 – Audio only from desk
Vision By default the Roland XS-84H will start with Input 1 (HDMI) going to outputs 1 and 2 (projectors and under balcony screens) Input 3 (Chapel camera) going to Output 3 (Narthex monitors) Input 3 video only (Chapel camera) going to output 4 and audio from Input 1 (HDMI) going to the audio desk
Vision Different colors represent splitting the audio and video so you can send different combinations to the outputs. Yellow – Audio and Video Green – Video Only Red – Audio Only Blue - Presets
The current setup shows that - The current setup shows that - HDMI is going to the left projector and under balcony monitors (output 1) HDMI is going to the right projector (output 2) The chapel camera is going to the Narthex monitors (output 3) The video from the chapel camera is going to the Audio screen and the audio from HDMI is going to the audio desk.
Audio On the desk there are 2 banks of faders (left and right) that have 12 and 8 faders respectively. Generally inputs are located on the left bank and are colored green. All DCA’s (red), Auxiliaries (blue), FX (dark blue), Matrix’s (purple) and the Master Fader (yellow) are located on the right bank.
Audio In each bank there are 4 layers of faders. As you move down you will see different inputs/outputs/masters etc.
Audio – Foldback To set foldback go to the 2nd bank and select layer 2. For the desired foldback send press the Mix button. You should see all the input faders (green) drop to ∞. Find the inputs that you want to send to the foldback speaker and slide it up until the desired level for the musician.
Audio – FX To set FX go to the 2nd bank and select layer 3. For reverb press the first Mix button. You should see all the input faders (green) drop to ∞. Find the inputs that you want to have FX and slide the faders up until you get the desired amount.
Lighting Advanced lighting can be done using the LSC Maxim MP. First thing to note, when the desk is powered up control of the House lights controls are taken away from the blue panel and now controlled by the lighting desk. To get house lights back push up the Red master fader and the first red fader.
Lighting There are numerous scenes that have been created. To see what they do slide up the red faders.
Lighting Please note that the desk from time to time will be cleared to reduce old / outdated scenes. If you wish to keep scenes you make be sure to save them to a USB.
Lighting Shutdown When shutting down it is very important that all the master faders are pulled all the way down and the desk is turned off by its own power switch. If this isn’t done normal house light controls may not function properly