Where did we come from, who are we, where are we going?
Intro to Environmental Science Ensci
Section 1: Understand our Environment What is environmental science? The study of the environment The study of human impact on the environment Where are we going? How should we live our lives?
Goals of environmental science Understand and solve environmental problems Types of environmental problems How we use resources How our actions alter the environment
“Ensci” includes many fields of study Biology Earth Science Physics Chemistry Social Sciences
Citizen scientists Often observations made by non-scientists are the first step toward recognizing and solving environmental issues
Humans & Their Environment Through Time Hunter Gatherers Agriculturalists Agriculture revolutions Industrialists Industrial revolution
Spaceship Earth Open System Closed System Things can enter and leave the system Closed System Things cannot enter or leave the system Is Earth an open or a closed system?
Environmental Problems HIPPCO—in this order! H = Habitat destruction I = Invasive species P = Pollution P = Population growth (consumption rates) C = Climate change O = Overexploitation
Section 2: The Environment & Society Tragedy of the Commons Conflict between short-term interests of individuals & long-term interest of the general population What’s the solution? Private ownership Governmental ownership or regulation
Economics & the Environment Supply & Demand High demand = high economic value Costs & Benefits Negative outcomes Vs. Positive outcomes Air pollution & power generation, transportation, industry How do air pollution regulations affect the above enterprises? Risk Assessment Accurate risk assessment Which technology is riskier: nuclear power plants or bicycles?
Developed & Developing Countries Developed—high average incomes, slow population growth, diverse industrial economies, social support systems Developing—low average incomes, high population growth, agricultural economies, no social support systems Which countries fall into these categories? Which type of country has a greater impact on the environment?
Populations and Consumption Population x Consumption = Environmental Impact Ecological footprint The land required to support your lifestyle What’s your footprint?
Environmental Science in Context Environmental problems are complex There are rarely simple solutions to these problems Critical thinking and decision making Gather facts Consider values Think through consequences Make a decision
Sustainability Current human needs are met in such a way that the human species will be able to survive indefinitely.