PIIC Mentors: Setting the stage for Success! PIIC New Mentor Training September 7, 2017
Introductions Name IU Role Number of years in education What most people Know About me What Few People Know About me Diane and Ellen both lead the activity
When it comes to instructional coaching and mentoring, I Most identify with…
The PIIC Difference…PIIC Has layers! Shrek: Ogres are like onions. Donkey: They stink? Shrek: Yes. No. Donkey: Oh, they make you cry. Shrek: No. Donkey: Oh, you leave ‘em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin’ little white hairs. Shrek: No. Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers.
Levels of Support PDE Ellen, Bruce, Ivan, Elliot Regional Mentors IU PIIC Mentors PIIC coaches PIIC School Administrators Content-Area classroom Teachers Ellen discusses the multi-layered approach to PIIC….mentors make the difference
PIIC K-W-L Chart What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned Participants will complete this online
What Mentors Do Read and Render… 3 things you already knew 2 things that surprised you 1 question you still have Adapted from the PIIC resource guide
How Coaching Works https://youtu.be/UY75MQte4RU What is the role of the coach? What is the relationship between the coach and teacher? What impacts the success/Failure of the coach/teacher relationship? Video clip—coaches analyze the video
The PIIC Model of Instructional Coaching During After Before 1-1 and small group Data Collection and Analysis Evidence-Based Literacy Practices Reflective Practices Ellen and Diane share the discussion of the cycle
BDA Cycle of Coaching: One-On-One What I Read? Before During After What I Think? Before During After Notemaking device for the BDA reading
What I Read/What I Think BDA Cycle of Consultation https://www.literacyworldwide.org/blog/ literacy-daily/2015/03/18/the-coaching- cycle-before-during-and-after
How does a mentor conduct one-on-one professional learning? Site visits Virtual office hours School-based shadowing of coach and coaching debriefing Co-facilitation of professional learning with the coach
How does a mentor conduct small-group professional learning? Monthly coaching workshops On-site study group co-facilitation Coaching connections between schools and coaches
Problems of practice The principal in one of your new piic schools is using the coaches inappropriately. For example, she asks them to serve as quasi- supervisors, to provide updates on teacher performance, and assigns them duties that are unrelated to their roles as coaches. Discuss and problem- solve
Problems of practice Discuss and problem-solve One of your PIIC schools has four instructional coaches who are all new. Two coaches are eager and are planning a community-wide book read after their administrator asked them to help. The other two coaches have been to their union representation twice since the school year began, complaining that they are being asked to work outside their contractual hours. Discuss and problem-solve
Day One…Part Two Literacy-Based Instructional Practices
Literacy Knowledge Inventory Strategy I Know I Think I Know I’m Clueless Pair/share Text rendering/annotation Knowledge rating VIP’s/MVP KWL Chart
Read and Render http://www.instituteforinstructionalcoaching.org/attachme nts/article/17/Article.Effective%20Support%20for%20Adolesce nt%20Literacy.pdf Highlight three VIP’s—Very Important Points—in your reading
Monthly Coaching Workshops Bridging coaching best practices with literacy best practices Using a resource from the PIIC Coaching Kit as an anchor text for your workshop, develop a professional learning opportunity to share with your coaches
Most Valuable Resource! Instructional Coaching in Action: An integrated approach that transforms thinking, practice, and schools https://vimeo.com/218665030 --by Ellen Eisenberg, Bruce Eisenberg, Elliott Medrich, and Ivan Charner
Resources to Guide You http://www.instituteforinstructionalcoaching.org/ http://www.pacoaching.org/ http://cultureofcoaching.blogspot.com/ http://piicpln.ning.com/main/authorization/signIn?target=h ttp%3A%2F%2Fpiicpln.ning.com%2F http://www.nsrfharmony.org/ Instructional Coaching in Action: An integrated approach that transforms thinking, practice, and schools https://vimeo.com/218665030