European imperialism over Africa Dee Dee Paik, Jake Lee, Sarah Cho World History Class 9E
Background During Industrial Revolution, Europe needed more land to find raw materials and resources. When the Europeans were trading with Middle East, they had to go around Africa. Because it was such a long route, they wanted a shorter route to get there and found the way through the Red Sea. This led them to explore the resources of Africa. Europeans each wanted to take over Africa; however, they had no major wars.
Background Since they didn’t want wars, the Conference where representatives got together and divided Africa into different parts. Berlin Conference David Livingstone - He was minister from Scotland who traveled to Africa in search of resources. However, he didn’t come back for a long time therefore, people thought he might be dead.
Berlin Conference From November 15, 1884 ~ January 20, 1885 Though it was to divide Africa, there were no Africans in attendance. From there, the Congo Free State was formed by Leopold II as a private state
Forms of Colonial Control European’s used different techniques to establish. First, was the Colony, a country or region governed by foreign powers. Second, the Protectorate , a country or territory taken over by foreign but uses its own government Third, the Sphere of Influence, area where trade and investments are made by foreign countries Fourth, the Economic Imperialism, less developed nations being controlled by private business interests
Day-to-Day Management Indirect Control was using a governor or the leader of the tribe to govern in an European way and report this to the European powers. This was a more successful way of managing. Direct Control was to use the paternalism which is treating the Africans as children and giving them no free rights. Assimilation, which is using foreign cultures in daily life; schools, courts, and businesses.
Consequences- Pros The Impact after the Imperialism was the overall life style increased; economy of Africa developed immensely. There were railroads, telephones, dams, hospitals and schools. Exporting goods were valuable in international markets.
Consequences- Cons Africans had no free rights and no land of their own. Many people suffered from new diseases that the Europeans brought. Due to rebelling against the Europeans, many Africans lost their lives. Famines were caused by the changes in the agriculture, from owning a farm to spending money to feed themselves.
European’s Point of View They treated the Africans like children; the Europeans thought they were superior than the Africans. They thought the darker the skin color was, the less developed and less smart they were. They pretended to have their main goal as helping the Africans lives, but in some ways, were trying to benefit themselves by getting raw materials. They thought they responsible for teaching “the superior style” ( western style) to the inferior people such as Africans.
African’s Point of View European style was very new to them; they had a hard time getting used to it. They felt somehow insecure and frightened with the religion, Christianity; some reacted against them. They were shocked and surprised of how the Europeans used weapons to innocent people.