Writing Process Partners 45* Clear all posts…..tool wheel delete…..delete all posts Writing Process
Are you familiar with this movie? Give me a quiet hand signal if so Are you familiar with this movie?
This movie was a work in progress for about 70 years The DVD is Amazon’s best selling children's film of all time FROZEN FACTS Elsa was originally a villain This movie was a work in progress for about 70 years
Did you know that a movie starts as a story written on paper? Every writer of every story you read or movie you go to or TV show you watch or even video game you play uses a special process when they are creating your favorite shows, movies, or games called: Every story, book, song, movie, tv show, video game went through the…
The Writing Process
What is the writing process? Prewrite Draft Revise Go over names of 5 steps Prewrite=Olaf, Draft=Sven, Revise=Anna, Edit=Kristoff, Publish=Elsa Edit Publish
where writers prepare to write. Step 1: Prewrite TAP Task Audience Purpose Pre-writing is a warm-up stage, where writers prepare to write. Think of TAP- (Journeys Writing Handbook) task (are you writing a story, directions, report, poem) audience (who am I writing for) purpose (why am I writing) (TAP) Then think about what graphic organizer or thinking map you should use
OR we can use technology!!!
Think about words/phrases that remind you of snow. Second GRADE Coach will lead discussion on: Brainstorm on your own/then share with a partner. What do you notice about how students are interacting? Teacher: Lead students to google chrome and get students onto padlet using the following directions: Enter the address into the address bar. Double click anywhere in the screen. Type your name. Enter once and type your ideas. Insert your own padlet.com address
snow snowman white winter sled boots cold icy gloves snowball fight Share your ideas after students have shared theirs on padlet. snowball fight hot chocolate fluffy
Writing a draft is when you put words on your paper. Step 2: Draft Writing a draft is when you put words on your paper. .
Writing a draft is when you put words on your paper. Step 2: Draft Writing a draft is when you put words on your paper. Second Grade:Today I want to see everyone’s thinking so we are going to use padlet. Have students write 2 sentences from their own padlet/circle map. Remind them: Don’t worry about spelling or grammar just get your ideas down. When we write on paper write on every other line and only on 1 side of the paper. Write out the details with concern for the ideas. You will make improvements later. Draft 2 sentences of your own on padlet. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar….just get your ideas down.
Snow is cold and icy. I like to put on my gloves and build a snowman. 2nd grade
When you revise you change your writing to make it better. Step 3: Revise When you revise you change your writing to make it better. The writers of Frozen didn’t use their 1st draft, even the title was changed from The Ice Queen to Frozen The writers of frozen didn’t use their 1st draft. They even changed the title from The Ice Queen to Frozen!
Snow is cold and icy. I like to put on my gloves and build a snowman. 2nd grade Students discuss how to revise my sentences. Talk with a partner: Is my writing is clear? Can you make it better?
Revising is when you fix what it sounds like. Second Grade Focus on Word Choice
Snow is cold and icy. I like to put on my wool gloves so my hands stay warm. I like building big snowmen. 2nd grade Coach: What did I do? Reorganized my ideas so that it made more sense, I added more info from my map, I added adjectives to make it more interesting. What do you notice about how students are interacting? Teacher: Takes students back into Padlet to type their revisions and share aloud. Think about the revisions you can make with your sentences. Then type your revised sentences on padlet.
Check work for: spelling capitalization punctuation Step 4: Edit 1st and 2nd Sometimes its good to have another set of eyes look at your work Get in the habit of reading and re-reading your work over and over again because you can always make it better
Editing is when you fix what it looks like. 2nd grade Proofreading list is found in the grab-n-go box in the additional resources booklet.
2nd grade Grab n Go
y snow is cold and ice i lik to put on me wool gloves so my hands stay warm i like biulding big Snomen e y 2nd grade Edit my work. Capitalize each sentence, add puctuation Spelling errors: Ice=icy lik= like me= my biulding=building snomen=snowmen ui snowmen
EDIT your sentences on padlet. Snow is cold and icy. I like to put on my wool gloves so my hands stay warm. I like building big snowmen. Edit my work. EDIT your sentences on padlet.
Step 5: Publish When you publish your writing you share it you make it look as good as you can. Make a clean copy where there is no mistakes.
Just think… Every writer working on Frozen was a kid who sat in a desk, just like you are right now. They also struggled with writing, just like you. But look where they are now! Follow in their foot steps, use The Writing Process, and you too might be creating your own movie some day!