2017 July Plenary update June 2017 Conference call doc: 802 EC-17/0036r1 March 2017 2017 July Plenary update June 2017 Conference call James Gilb IEEE 802 Meeting Designee Gilb_IEEE@yahoo.com IEEE 802 March 2017 Plenary 1
2017 July Plenary Estrel Hotel and Convention Center, Berlin, Germany Hotel rooms Block remains open Close to 4 week cancellation deadline (depending on your arrival date) – 80% cancellation penalty after! Room pickup: 92% of registration IEEE 802 is not liable for room block (wash block) Registration: 502 (5 cancellation requests)
2017 July Plenary: Social River cruise 2 boats, one leaves 18:00, the other 18:30 Embarkation and disembarkation at the dock across the street from the Estrel 3 hour cruise (just like the Minnow!) Dinner and drinks provided on board Included with registration, extra for guests Limited to 600 maximum: 500 so far, no wait list yet.