Totem poles Native Symbolism
Raven Curious and mischievous, often misbehaving but never boring.
Sea turtle Representative of Mother Earth
thunderbird A mythological bird known to manifest the rolling of thunder while beatings its wings and creating lightning while blinking its eyes.
EaglE Intelligent and resourceful Peace Friendship Honesty
wolf Can help people that are sick or in need Protectorate Provider
bear A teacher symbol – it is believed that Bear taught people to catch salmon and pick berries. Wise Humble Strong
frog Known for bringing wealth.
otter The otter is a mischievous creature that is also a symbol of laughter, curiosity, grace, and empathy.
salmon The salmon symbolizes instinct, persistence, and determination.
owl A very respected animal thought to symbolize the souls of the departed.
Killer whale Honored as strong and brave fish – will bring food or assistance to an important person lying helpless and/or wounded. Good communicator
beaver Builder Hard worker Persistent Determined