Speaker / Presentation Guidelines For SW Test Workshop Congratulations! You will be speaking at the SW Test Workshop (SW Test) in San Diego, CA. SW Test an international workshop dedicated to providing a forum for the latest information available in the wafer level test and probe industry. This is an important event for the sponsors, organizing committee and attendees. You were selected by the Technical Program Committee out of many excellent submissions to present your important work to an audience of colleagues involved with wafer level test and related fields. They are looking forward to hearing your presentation, and in keeping with an informal workshop atmosphere, to interact with you before and after your presentation, to explore points in your presentation and to share experiences, ideas, challenges, etc. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. about this guide and presentation template please contact your Session Chair, the Technical Program Chair, or the General Chair. Company Logo Author Details Affiliation
Overview Key Dates and Scheduling Podium Presentation Information Style / Format Guidelines Podium Presentation Anatomy Making the Presentation at SW Test 2018 Summary This is the Presentation Guide/Template for podium presentations at SW Test Workshop. The template demonstrates the presentation guidelines for the author and can be used when preparing your slides for presentation. It can also serve as a template for you to edit and use as a starting point to create your presentation. Other templates can be used; however, these are subject to the approval of the Technical Program Chair. Author
Key Dates / Scheduling May 21, 2018 June 3, 2018 June 6, 2018 Submit FINAL podium presentation in MS-PPT format for screen projection Presentations must be submitted in MS PowerPoint 2016 / 365 Submit via www.molesystems.com/SWTW June 3, 2018 Start of Workshop in San Diego, CA No hardcopy will be provided and color PDFs will be online All presentations for each day of workshop will be available for download Ranch Bernardo Inn June 6, 2018 End of Workshop in San Diego, CA. Author
Presenter Information Papers previously copyrighted or with copyright restrictions cannot be presented SW Test does not officially seek a copyright ownership / transfer from authors Please do not include any “copyright” or “confidential” protection statements on your presentation Authors agree in submitting their work that the presentation is original work and … Will be in the public domain after the Workshop May be referenced in the work of others Will be assembled / distributed in the SW Test Proceedings Available for download by anyone from the SW Test website Author
Style / Format Guidelines Presentations must be in English Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 or 365 format is strongly recommended. “Official” Slide Master Templates available in this file. Committee reserves the right to reject a presentation that does not follow the podium guidelines. PLEASE try to keep the file size under 25 MB Author
Style / Format Guidelines If you choose, or if required by your organization, you can use your own Slide Master Template. The following MUST be included: Title page from the SW Test template Have a dark background and appropriately colored text Meet the style guidelines outlined in the SWTW-2018 template. Computer Projection will be used at SW Test DO NOT USE random Slide Transitions and DO NOT USE Sound Effects Each day’s presentation files will be made available for download by attendees. Author
Style / Format Guidelines Slide page layout must be “Landscape” Title Page MUST include the following: Presentation title Presenter and/or co-author name(s) Company name and/or logo (use a reduced size JPEG version of the company logo … do not use a BMP version) Use the “compress images” tool in PPT to reduce image sizes DO NOT INCLUDE the company logo on each page Please use the following file naming format for your presentation: Session##_Paper in Session##_(Last Name)_Revision Date Example: S09_01_Broz_5-22-2018 Author
Style / Format Guidelines Animation effects used for emphasis and presentation flow are acceptable; however, NO sound effects are allowed Short MPEG, WVM, and AVI movies are acceptable … Keep the video file to a manageable size and provide the CODECs Use sans-serif fonts and minimum font size of 18 points Avoid embedding images that use excessive resources, e.g. ALWAYS substitute JPEGs for BMPs and TIFFs Author
SW Test Podium Presentation Flow Organize the presentation with a fairly simple outline Introduction / Background Objectives / Goals Methods / Materials / Procedures Results / Relevant Findings / Key Data Discussion of Results / Strengths / Weaknesses, etc. Summary / Conclusion Follow-On Work Overall Content You are presenting to colleagues in the wafer test industry; so naturally they are interested in your talk. They want to learn how your ideas may affect or help them. However, you only have the floor for a short amount of time, so communicating a few key / significant ideas / points will stimulate interest and encourage off-line follow-up to further discuss more complex ideas. Use of color, pictures, charts and illustrations will liven your presentation. Short video movies that highlight a procedure and are integral to the presentation are acceptable. Author
Presentation Timing Timing and Pace Rehearsing 30 minutes for each presentation 20-25 minutes for the talk 5-10 minutes for questions or discussion Tailor the overall pace, charts, and illustrations to permit the audience to follow and understand Avoid long sentences, jargon, new terms, formulae, tables, etc. Rehearsing Reduce presentation anxiety by practicing with co-workers Become certain of the time it takes to deliver the presentation We will stop your presentation if you run over your allotted time Explore possible questions with your rehearsal audience Author
Session Chair Session Chairs will be assigned to help authors with their preparation for the workshop Session chair can review presentations and provide suggestions prior to final submission General feedback / suggestions Format changes to meet SW Test guidelines Overall content to reduce the “sales” factor Session Chair will preside over the session and will introduce each author Authors should provide a brief biography Authors should provide a few “canned” questions Author
At The Workshop / Facilities Large conference room with an audience of at least 300 attendees Computer Projection / Large Screen A slide switching device and laser pointer will be provided Microphones Lavaliere microphone clipped to presenter’s shirt or collar Floor microphones for audience questions Podium and monitor for personal viewing Speaking from the floor will encourage a workshop “feel” Author
Awards The best presentations at SW Test are recognized with Awards from the Program Committee Best Technical Presentation Best Data Presentation Most Inspirational Presentation Best Presentation, Tutorial in Nature “Worst Disguised Sales Pitch” Author
Wrap - Up Each author has an important topic to present at SW Test and the steering committee appreciates all the submissions that are made each year The audience will appreciate all of the hard work needed in the preparation of a podium presentation Thank you for your interest and support of the SW Test Workshop Author
Final Check List GUIDELINES CHECKLIST √ Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 / 365 Follow Filename Convention Session##_Paper in Session##_(Last Name)_Revision Date Example: S09_01_Broz_5-22-2018 Use Landscape Orientation Use one of the PPT Template(s) provided Other Templates MUST HAVE Dark Background; Light Lettering Appropriate Font Size Setup For On-Screen Show Author
Final Check List GUIDELINES CHECKLIST √ GUIDELINES CHECKLIST Appropriate Animations / AVOID “Busy” Slide Transitions Company Affiliation, Company Logo & SW Test Logo on Title Slide ONLY Avoid a “Sales Pitch”; focus on the technical aspects Confirm Readability and Quality of Graphs / Illustrations Information MUST BE Non-Proprietary / No Copyright Make sure that your company’s Legal department has approved your presentation! Author
Thanks for your Support ! Contact the SW Test Team with any questions … Jerry Broz, Ph.D. General Chair SW Test Workshop (303) 885-1744 E: jerry.broz@swtest.org Rey Rincon Technical Program Chair SW Test Workshop (214) 402-6248 E: rey.rincon@swtest.org Maddie Harwood Finance Chair CEM, Inc. (540) 937-5066 E: maddie.harwood@swtest.org Maddie Harwood EXPO / Registration Coordinator CEM, Inc. (540) 937-5066 E: expo@swtest.org Author