Service Coordinator Training Sheila Ventrice MS, SDL, Acting Director Lisa Carbone, Assistant Coordinator of Special Education Kelly Ralph, LMSW, Assistant Coordinator of Special Education
Service Coordination Definition Title 34 of US Code of Federal Regulations Functions of Early Intervention Service Coordinator Responsibilities of a service coordinator
Confidentiality Must comply with: Procedures that must be followed: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Title II-A of Article 25 of PHL Procedures that must be followed: Early Intervention Program Memorandum 2003-1 Early Intervention Program Records
Initial Service Coordination This process is handled by Suffolk County Department of Health. Initial Service Coordination
Ongoing Service Coordination Starts the day after the initial IFSP Responsibilities: Secure providers – must contact other agencies if your agency has no provider available Insure all services start timely Within 30 days of the IFSP meeting –federal indicator Obtain prescriptions – one for each service requiring a prescription Discuss with the family concerns, priorities and availability. If any services are not in place by the 21st day please notify the EIOD.
Ongoing Service Coordination Contact family to confirm that services have started Send confirmation of services and child’s schedule to EIOD
Ongoing Service Coordination DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT!!!!! Contact the family at a minimum once a month. Gather all supporting documentation (prescriptions, progress reports, requests for review, etc.) and upload them to the child’s integrated home page on NYEIS. Contact the EIOD to let them know that you have attached something in NYEIS.
Ongoing Service Coordination Coordinate IFSP meetings Parent and EIOD availability Home or office meeting Advise EIOD of meeting date so EIOD can send notice to family and providers Obtain current insurance information Collect three and six month progress notes Attach in NYEIS Make sure parent has a copy
Ongoing Service Coordination EIOD facilitates the meeting. If the meeting is held at home the OSC needs to bring the following: 1. First and last page of the IFSP 2. Insurance forms 3. Child and Family Rights If needed: Transportation form 1. bus, PMR and W-9 Prescription Assistive tech form 1. Justification and IFSP page 7 Respite form Nutrition form – nutrition services require a prescription
Insurance Website-- Must be updated at each IFSP meeting or if the child’s insurance changes. Obtain copies of both sides of the new insurance card.
Develop Transition Plan Contact(s) with Parents: Introduce transition planning for all children Discuss CPSE and/or other supports and services Explain CPSE opt-out policy and deadline for objecting (30 days) Provide written opt-out policy/information Obtain parental consent /declination for Transition Conference At IFSP closest to 2nd birthday: Develop Transition Plan Plan for referrals Plan steps to help child adjust to new settings Plan steps to prepare program staff Plan other steps to transition Provide information on CPSE eligibility/process /services If potentially eligible: At least 120 days prior to the child’s 3rd birthday, send district: Notification Invitation to transition conference (if parent consents) Carry Out Transition Activities Additional meetings with CPSE or other program staff Assist parent to obtain information about and/or visit programs Carry out steps to help child adjust to new setting Carry out steps to prepare program staff who may be providing services to the child in new setting Assist parent with CPSE referral and registration Referral to other programs and services Obtain consent for release of records Attend CPSE meeting TRANSITION PROCESS Child's Birthday Date Child First Eligible Notice to CPSE Transition Conference Last month recommended for Referral to CPSE Last Date to Receive EIP Services January to June January 2nd At least 120 Days prior to child's 3rd birthday At least 90 Days prior to child's 3rd birthday 3 months prior to child's 3rd birthday 31-Aug July to August July 1st September to December 1-Jan
Transition Forms
Transition Forms
Transition Forms
Transition Forms
CPSE Meeting Ongoing must attend the CPSE meeting. The following forms must be completed: 1. CPSE classification notice signed by both the chairperson and the parent. 2. IFSP review page (form 10) 3. New Transportation Forms If services need to be changed an IFSP meeting needs to be scheduled.
CPSE Forms