Grade 4 Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC
What are Prepositions? Prepositions provide more detail. They tell us direction, location, or time. Common Prepositions: about before during over above behind for since across below from through after beside in to against between into toward along by off under at down on until
What are Prepositions? Prepositions make our writing clearer and more detailed. They usually tell the reader where or when. I went to the library. Where? I went to the library across the street. Alexis eats dinner. When? Alexis eats dinner before soccer practice.
What are Prepositional Phrases? The preposition plus its object (noun) is a prepositional phrase. I went to the library across the street. Alexis eats dinner before soccer practice.
Practice With a Partner! In the following paragraph, identify the prepositional phrases. Maxwell loves to play football. He has football practice after school. His team practices throwing the ball at targets. Maxwell plays on Saturdays. He loves to catch the ball and run across the field. Sometimes he even scores touchdowns for his team. Maxwell wears a helmet. He also wears protective padding. Maxwell hopes to play professional football.
How did you do? Maxwell loves to play football. He has football practice after school. His team practices throwing the ball at targets. Maxwell plays on Saturdays. He loves to catch the ball and run across the field. Sometimes he even scores touchdowns for his team. Maxwell wears a helmet. He also wears protective padding. Maxwell hopes to play professional football.
Practice With a Partner! There are 4 sentences without prepositional phrases. Choose one of these and add your own prepositional phrase. Maxwell loves to play football. He has football practice after school. His team practices throwing the ball at targets. Maxwell plays on Saturdays. He loves to catch the ball and run across the field. Sometimes he even scores touchdowns for his team. Maxwell wears a helmet. He also wears protective padding. Maxwell hopes to play professional football.
Independent Practice: Create clearer and more detailed sentences by adding prepositional phrases to the sentences. Common Prepositions: about, above, across, after, against, along, at, before, behind, below, beside, between, by, down, during, for, from, in, into, off, on, over, since, through, to, toward, under, until
Independent Practice: Add your own prepositional phrase to each sentence. I rode my first rollercoaster______________. Aidan practices karate__________________. Roofus loves to play fetch________________. We order pepperoni pizza________________. Mila will get a puppy____________________. The roads were flooded ________. Tabby the cat chases mice________________. Mrs. Jenkins keeps her books ______________. Shaquan rode his bicycle_________________. My mom reached for the cookie jar _________.