Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Peterson’s Advanced Math 7 and Math 7 Classes Room 211
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Suggested Materials: Composition Book Pencils (at least 2!) 3-ring binder with paper Student Book to be brought daily (consumables only—not the hard cover text—Math 7 only) Dry Erase marker(s) Donations are ALWAYS appreciated…glue sticks and markers! Thanks to those who have already contributed!!
Texts: McGraw Hill Publisher Website: www.tinyurl.com/cusdconnected Math 7 Student Consumable Book only Advanced 7 Hard Cover Book only
Grading Structure Advanced 7 Math 7 Homework 20% 25% Quizzes/Benchmarks/Final Exam 75% 70% Participation (in class work) 5% 5% TOTAL 100% 100%
What’s expected…. To be at school daily prepared for class and ready to learn. Be consistent on homework! (This makes a big difference on test and quiz scores!) No LATE WORK ACCEPTED!! Except with a late pass (2 per 9 weeks) REDOS for homework for any score less than a 6—best kept secret! To keep updated on grades….students to participate!!
Homework Policy Absent work is due within 2 days upon return for full credit.
Communication is the key… Communication is the key….Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns you may have. I am here for your child’s success in math. Be sure and check my website for weekly updates!
What you can expect from me… A website that will be updated weekly containing current assignments, a calendar with testing information and due dates, current power points and websites for student assistance, and grades updated weekly via Parent Connect. Progress reports will be issued every 6 weeks through the mail. Open communication---I’m very willing to help, please just let me know!
Other services for your child in math include: Formal lunch lab schedule is posted on my website. http://tinyurl.com/petersonsplace I hold Lunch Lab on Monday’s and Tuesday’s for quiz make ups and help but there is Lunch Lab EVERYDAY in a classroom—your child has the schedule! Library Lab’s are available Tuesday – Thursday’s 3:00-4:00 with a math teacher available.
Last but not least…. Help your child to get involved in Granite Ridge. Whether it’s through sports, drama, music, clubs, or other activities, they only get to do this once. Let’s have some fun while we’re here!! GO BRONCOS!!