Mrs. Perez’s Second Grade San Jacinto Valley Academy 2015-2016
Curriculum Math: Go Math! Reading: Reading Ready Writing: Write Source Science: Houghton Mifflin Social Studies: Houghton Mifflin PE: SPARK Spanish: various resources Music: various resources
Attendance Please have your child to school on time..every day. Please do not take your child out of school early if possible. Children lose valuable learning time when they leave early. The morning whistle blows at 7:40am and children are in their seats ready to learn by 7:45am. Your child is considered tardy at 7:46 am, if they are not in class. Students may not remain on campus waiting to be picked up. The office closes at who is watching the kids?
Expectations for your child… I expect your child to come to school on time with homework complete. I expect your child to ask questions, engage in conversations, complete tasks in class, and follow school/classroom rules. I expect your child to address all adults with their name not the word “teacher”. I expect your child to work hard!
Expectations for parents… I expect you to bring your child to school on time. I expect you to ensure that homework is complete. I expect your family to show up for school events, conferences, performances, etc. Of course, you can’t come to everything…I get it! I expect you to discuss concerns with me FIRST! I cannot help you or your child if I am not aware there is an issue.
Your expectations for me should be… You should expect me to educate your child. You should expect me to notify you FIRST if there is an issue with behavior or learning. You should expect me to treat your child with respect, kindness, compassion, and truly care about him/her. You should expect me to keep your child safe. You should expect me to listen to your child when they speak to me. You should expect me to be on time and ready at 7:40am.
What if any of us is not meeting expectations? Let’s talk! Email me at Write me a note Call me Set up a conference with me
Remind 101 All parents were given a Remind 101 sign up instructional page at orientation. If you did not attend orientation, I sent yours home the first day of school. All of my information for important events, special dress days, assembly information, homework changes, etc. goes out using this one-way texting program. I do not send paper reminders home…I am saving the Earth one tree at a time!
Helpful Tips Pack 2 snacks and a lunch. Put your child’s name on their water bottles, lunch sacks, lunch pails, etc. Provide a water bottle daily. Children have access to their water bottles throughout the day, but only water. If your child has juice, sports drinks, or anything other than water, he/she will need to wait until snack or lunch. Label all backpacks, lunchboxes, and jackets. I look at the tag when an item is left behind.
Progress Reports and Report Cards The year is broken down into six-week assessment periods to focus on your child’s achievement. Grades are based on reading levels, math test scores, comprehension of material read, language arts assessments, class participation, behavior, and attendance. Your child’s reading level is assessed once per month at a minimum. Conferences are scheduled formally twice per year, but at any time you may schedule a meeting with me.
Assessment continued.. Your child is scored on a 4-point scale in language arts, writing, and math. Their reading level is assessed differently and they are scored on a reading level. Scoring is as follows: 4 = advanced, 3 = proficient, 2 = basic, 1= below basic. If your child scores 1’s or 2’s, they are not meeting the requirement for second grade.
Spanish Your child has Spanish every Tuesday from 1:30-2:00pm with a 15 minute review on Wednesdays. Ask your child to speak with you in Spanish! They really learn and love to share!
Homework Homework will go home daily and is due at 7:45am the following day. Late homework does not help as we review homework from 7:45-8:00 am. You and your child are responsible for maintaining homework folders. Check your child’s backpack every day! We often see old food, important paperwork, and who knows what else in backpacks! Homework is an extension of classroom learning and, if your child has difficulty completing homework, this is most likely also true of class work.
Homework continued…. If you have any issues with the homework assigned, please email me asap! We can meet and discuss options for your child.
Second Grade Homework Policy Homework is given to reinforce concepts learned that day and is a great time for parents to ask their child to teach them what they have learned. If homework does not come back, you will be invited to attend an SST (Student Study Team) meeting with all second grade teachers. We will want to know why homework is not completed and we develop a plan to have homework turned in. Our Learning Partnership Agreement calls for parent participation with homework.
What does homework look like in second grade? Your child will practice math concepts they are currently working on in class. Read daily with your child. Reading logs will go home Monday and are due back Friday morning. We may have additional pages or projects for you to work on with your child. Homework should not take more than 20 minutes per day.
Procedures for Independent Study Pre-planned Absence Call the office as soon as you know your child will be out. Visit office and sign paperwork. Teacher will have packet ready prior to absence. Unexpected Absence Call the office on the first day student misses. Visit office to sign paperwork and packet will be handed to you. Your child must sign the contract too! We can fax or e-mail a contract to you! Independent study recovers attendance but does not keep your child at grade-level. Being in school is best!
Benefits of Independent Study Absences are excused. You are helping SJVA reach their attendance goal of 98%. Our class is rewarded for 100% attendance with popsicles, pizza parties, etc. Independent Study will keep your child from being placed on an attendance contract. Keep in mind that when your child is absent, we do not make-up art projects, group work, partner work, etc.
Volunteering I generally do not need regular volunteers in the classroom, but the PTSA has many opportunities to help! Field trips are scheduled throughout the year and volunteers are often needed. You must have a current TB test and fingerprint clearance in our business office. Volunteering for a field trip is allowed once per year unless I need more volunteers. If I do need a volunteer in the classroom, I will notify parents via Remind101
Dismissal Walking Gate procedures: We are taking all walkers to the elementary lunch tables. They will be picked up there by siblings or the parent. At 3:05, our gate by the flag pole will open for parents to retrieve their walkers. You may now park in the parking lot to pick up children in the car area only. At no time may you park to pick up a walker. We are encouraging cars to stay out of the neighborhood next door and go through the line.
Common Core? Common Core is an approach to teaching which emphasizes analysis, discussion, real-world application of concepts learned, group work, independent work, and partner work. The teacher acts as a facilitator and does rely entirely on direct instruction. Many methods of problem-solving are taught and the student decides which method works best.
Thanks for watching! If you have questions or concerns, please email me, call, or write a note.