Top Ten Social Media Marketing Tools Jason McDonald, Ph.D. Stanford University Communications Stanford Continuing Studies April, 2018
Agenda Social Media Marketing It’s a party, not a prison! Top Ten Tips and Tools Tour A quick tour of the top ten tips and tools for better social media marketing. About Jason McDonald Jason McDonald teaches the online Social Media Marketing course at Stanford Continuing Studies. Find out more about Jason by Googling “Jason McDonald” or visiting and searching for “Jason McDonald” to view his books on Social Media, SEO, and AdWords. Slides and Materials Look for an email from Stanford to access today’s materials or visit
It’s a Party, not a Prison Conceptual framework
It’s a Party, not a Prison! You’re throwing a “party” on social media (even on LinkedIn), and inviting your customers and prospects to “show up” and enjoy – Your “food and entertainment” – that is, content. You must create fun, engaging, and useful content to succeed. The conversation. You must nurture interaction among your company, employees, and customers. Your party with a purpose. Ultimately, you want to use social media to build your brand and “sell more stuff.” You also need some technical knowledge as the chief “party thrower” as in – Invitations or promotion. How do you get people to your “party with a purpose?” Technical details like selecting hashtags, sharing systematically, asking politely for reviews, etc.
Tools Tour Ten Tips and Tools
Know What They Like (And produce it). Tools –
Reverse Engineer the Competition (And be better) Tools –
Be a Helpful Expert on Topic X (And make it look easy). Tools–
Make a Meme (And make it memorable). Tools–
Blog on Trends (And craft headlines that hook). Tool–
Share Systematically (And make it look magic). Tools–
Be photogenic on Instagram (And easy to buy). Tools–
Ask for reviews (And make it easy to do them). Tool–
Go native (And leverage the Valley’s self-promotion). Tool–
Know What’s Trending (And have fun). Tool–