English One Unit 6
Anonymous adj. unknown, unnamed, or lacking character The detective received an anonymous tip that the butler was the killer.
Dupe verb to deceive The villain tried to dupe the hero by using the trick of misdirection.
Dynamic Adjective active, energetic, forceful Facebook was trying to hire a dynamic representative for their new campaign ads.
Eradicate to get rid of or destroy completely verb Darth Vader tried to eradicate all Jedi from the universe; however, his Jedi son proved him otherwise.
Grim Adjective fierce, savage, cruel The boy must face the grim reality that if he tries to pet the alligator, the animal may eat him.
Makeshift Adjective crude, flimsy, or temporary We decided to make a makeshift fort throughout our house since we were bored.
Prominent adjective easily seen, important, or well-known Unfortunately, reality television actors are seen as prominent public figures just because of who they are.
Reluctant adjective unwilling or holding back The reluctant boy dragged his feet to school because he did not want to present his science project.
Utmost adjective greatest, highest, farthest The community had the utmost respect for the firefighters who fought the blaze to save their houses.
Vengeance noun punishment for injury or wrong; unusual force Sometimes vengeance can harm those that the attacker did not intend to hurt.
Quaint adjective odd or old-fashioned in a pleasing way My friend had a quaint collection of My Little Ponies at his house he liked to show off.
Snare verb to trap or catch I tried to snare my first grizzly bear; however, it turned out to be a bad idea when the trap didn't work.