Vocab Words Week Two
Arbitrary Adjective Seemingly random; without reason Mrs. Copp’s decision to fail Ashley was completely arbitrary.
Aspire Verb To attain a particular goal Ever since he was little, Kendal aspired to become a professional tap dancer.
Assailant Noun Attacker We did not get a good look at the assailant who broke into our house.
Audacious Adjective Bold; gutsy Darick was extremely audacious when he yelled at Mrs. Copp.
Austere Adjective Stern and cold in appearance Though her name was Mrs. Rose, her austere appearance did not reflect her name.
Avert Verb To avoid or turn away After Meghann was caught cheating, she made sure to avert Mrs. Copp for the next few days.
Bedlam Noun Chaos The first day of school is always bedlam for freshmen.
Bilk Verb To swindle Con artists often bilk innocent people out of money.