Vision for the Evolution of GWSS Dr. Christie Launius
Experience 2004-2008, Director of Women’s Studies, Augusta State University 2008-present, Director of Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Launched major in 2009 Launched LGBTQ Studies certificate and oversaw name change in 2013
Caveats A view from the outside looking in The need to create a vision with the department that everyone can see themselves in
Underlying beliefs A department that knows its strengths and has a strong identity is set up for success. The work of GWSS is central to the mission and vision of the institution GWSS departments across the nation are exemplary leaders in a wide range of the practices detailed in the K-State 2025 strategic action and alignment plan The department should strengthen its connection to the land-grant mission and identity of K-State
What currently exists—a solid foundation on which to build Structure Curriculum Faculty
Process In the first year, I would organize a series of mini-retreats Include all stakeholders Bring in a facilitator through NWSA Draw on the strategic action and alignment plan Generate a vision that everyone can see themselves in
Ideas that support my vision— Part 1. Curriculum Expand graduate offerings toward the end of developing a master’s program in GWSS; no other public institution in KS has one Expand the Queer Studies curricular offerings Develop the curricular offerings in Health, Science, and Technology Expand global offerings, and make the intersectional content of GWSS courses more visible
Ideas that support my vision— Part 2. The student experience Revive the alumni newsletter and create an annual career panel that features graduates of the department Further enhance career exploration and the application of knowledge and skills—consider making internships a requirement of the major and/or integrate service-learning/advocacy projects across the GWSS curriculum with scaffolded expectations Know who your students are, and work intentionally to serve them all well
Ideas that support my vision-– Part 3. The faculty experience Provide both departmental and extra-departmental mentors to junior faculty Facilitate the creation of a cohort among junior faculty members within and (when appropriate) across colleges Encourage collaborative research (faculty-student as well as between faculty) Foster a departmental culture that prioritizes self-care and encourages life balance Through future hiring and/or moving lines, create a core faculty in GWSS that is as diverse as its affiliated faculty
Vision in a nutshell In the coming decade, I envision a department that knows itself, knows its strengths, has a strong identity AND intentionally and consistently conveys that identity to all stakeholders. A vibrant, thriving department that is central to the mission of the university, provides a supportive and challenging experience to students that prepares them to effectively tackle the world’s most-pressing challenges, and whose faculty members produce relevant and timely research that supports progressive social change.
Thank You Dr. Christie Launius profile:
Sources Berger, Michelle and Cheryl Radeloff. Transforming Scholarship: Why Women’s and Gender Studies Students are Changing Themselves and the World. 2nd edition. Routledge, 2014. Demuth, Danielle. “Doing Feminist and Activist Learning Outcomes: What Should Students Be Able to Do As a Result of this Women’s and Gender Studies Project/Course/Curriculum?” Atlantis 35.2, 2011. Levin, Amy. “Questions for a New Century: Women’s Studies and Integrative Learning.” A report to the National Women’s Studies Association. 2007. Orr, Catherine. “Women’s Studies as Civic Engagement: Research and Recommendations.” A Teagle Foundation White Paper. September 2011.