April 10-14 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Calendar of dates in the front pocket of folder April 11- Field Trip April 12- SIS Visit April 13-Weather Rotations April 14-17= Easter Break We are in the last 9 weeks of 2nd grade! I can not tell you how thankful I am that you loaned me your children this year to love and learn with. This next 9 weeks will fly by. WEEKLY THEME Weather MATH STANDARDS FOR THIS WEEK: Fractions ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS BEING A WRITER- Poetry MAKING MEANING- Main Idea DAILY 5/GUIDED READING- WE ARE FULL SWING WITH OUR ROTATIONS. How can I help My child in math? There are so many things that you can do to help your child in math, but here are the top 3! Practice addition and subtraction facts up to 20 nightly Practice telling time to the 5 minute mark (ex: 2:25) and identifying AM and PM 3. Practice identifying coins with your student MRS. DUNLAP’S WISH LIST We are need of colored paper for a BIG project in May USE THIS QR CODE TO VISIT OUR CLASS WEBSITE! Do you need to schedule a conference? It’s easy to do! Send me an email to Katie.Dunlap@dcsms.org or send a note in your child’s folder! Take home folders: Please check these folders nightly, empty, and return. There is so much important information that is being skipped over here.