We need to be good at communication Technical communication and shaping the agenda Donors are scarce and good quality inputs not enough Whom are we talking to? Expert advice to government leadership not enough – messages for broader constituencies are required
Few experiences past and present in Southern Eastern Africa Internal c. and with partners Electronic quarterly Communication on UNCT joint work Communicating to donors: SP DWCP implementation booklet Networks (SASPEN, ..) Facebook, tweeter Programme/project Putting SP on the people s minds: aggregator of SP news in Zambia Communicating to parliamentarians, media: ex. videos in Mozambique, journalists training in Malawi Communicating in to beneficiaries: ex. Green Jobs extension campaigns Education and culture of social security: ECASSA (TBD)
SP in media
Communicating with parliamentarians, media…
Communication in projects How to increase the impact of our technical work to influence behavior and create energy for change? How to embed better communication as part of projects? Examples: Green Jobs project campaigns Ads; others include Use of Videos, interviews, animations for training and engagements are very powerful.
Better communication on our activities (knowledge sharing internally and with partners) - Electronic quarterly newsletter https://magic.piktochart.com/output/19063065-firsttrial Facebook and other social media (photos of activities/ short messages, tweeter in conferences…) Ex. Action Portugal including Live facebook Video coverage of major events -> youtube Launch Presentations of publications at Network and Partner Conferences (SASPEN, …)
Visibility of ILO SP work in UNCT Social protection groups or TWGs https://www.wfp.org/sites/default/files/UNDAF-WFP- REPORT_June%202016.pdf
Better communication to donors DWCP achievements booklet (tbd) Better use and development of further opportunity documents
Questions Communication focal point in CO and more professional support for branding and communicating to put our message more clearly Engagement with print media? Communication on key messages on SPF and on value added of ILO on social assistance within office Communication for Ministries of a Labour and social welfare to ensure Labour understands our entry points Coherence within DWT: for example emphasizing Decent Work and Future of Work messages Orientation towards UNCT joint work, UNDG or global flagship messaging? Donor visibility versus attribution problems
Chap chap!