Welcome! Congratulations May 20th By: NJHS Officers Guess the number of dumdums in the container!
What are the NJHS requirements? Average of 94% or above. No grade under 80% in any class . No detentions or referrals. Attend all meetings Complete and turn in required service hours – 12 hours per 9 weeks.
What is probation? If you do not meet any of these criteria, you will be put on probation. At the end of the next nine weeks, all of these criteria need to be fulfilled, or you will be dismissed.
What do I need to do? Service Hours are due in the fall, at the first meeting – 12 hours You can do 6 of them in the summer (or more). At least 6 have to been done in the school year.
Sign up for Remind 101 Mrs. Kahn will send reminders about meetings and service ideas.
Instagram @CURTISNJHS Follow us for service ideas and announcements.
Look for information on the NJHS bulleting boards Front hallway B hall by Coach Key’s room K hall
There is NO excuse for not being informed Mrs. Kahn’s website
Service hour form- available on the NJHS website Fill out forms completely.
What counts as service? Helping at church Cleaning the neighborhood Taking part in neighborhood service project Taking part in Allen service project Taking part in a CMS service project
Types of service required Your service will need to be a mixture of the following: Some service MUST be here at Curtis Some service MUST be in Allen community The rest can be with neighbors or church, etc.
NJHS tutoring Each of you will be REQUIRED to take part in after school tutoring at least once during the school year You will tutor kids needing help with homework, etc. There will be a sign up next fall for you to pick a day.
This is a SERVICE organization It should not be a chore for you to complete service hours. You were selected for your academic achievements but you CHOSE to be a part of this service organization DO YOUR PART!
Award for top service hours There will be an award at the end of the year for top three service hours member of our NJHS chapter. Will your name be there?
Would you be willing? If Mrs. Kahn gets a date this summer (August) to collect food at Market Street for ACO, would you be willing to help?
Next Meeting This fall. Look for dates and times on the NJHS website. Meetings are mandatory. Listen for announcements and look at the NJHS information boards in B hall, K hall and A hall glass window.