Branding & Communications
Branding We have designed our logo, the Roverway Tulip, to be a unique symbol that unites the Contingent. If you wish to use the Tulip, there are a number of Brand Guidelines you need to follow. These can be found on the website along with the image files. The brand was designed by HQ in consultation with the CMT and young people. The Tulip is the national flower of The Netherlands, whilst the Union petal shows the UK Contingent is an intrinsic part of Roverway. We expect badges to be very popular at Roverway for swaps etc., because it is a striking badge compared to some other contingents (in Ben’s opinion). The Roverway Tulip is for everyone in the Contingent to use! You don’t need Ben’s (or anyone’s) permission to use it, so long as you use it correctly and how it is meant to be. If you’re interested, the Brand Guidelines can be found on the UK Contingent website, but we will go over some of the key points now.
The Tulip must be above a minimum size and have an exclusion zone around it where no other text or images should be.
The Tulip should only be used on its own (without the strapline) when it is not possible to use the entire logo. Examples might include: social media icons, logos and merchandise (although we would expect the strapline to be on the reverse of merchandise still).
Patrol or IST Badges We would love for each Patrol to design and produce a patrol badge - that symbolizes where you are from or what you aim to achieve at Roverway. This could even be sold to raise money for the event. However, if you want to use the tulip, you must seek approval from Ben prior to printing or promoting it. Patrol badges are a great way to get everyone to feel involved in the patrol and can be a really great way for the more creative members of the patrol to come into their own. We’ve seen loads of great Patrol badges already (on the next slide) but if you haven’t created one yet, we would seriously recommend that you do, even if just to raise some money for RW. If you want to use the Roverway Tulip in your designs then that’s absolutely fine and we would love you to use it. HOWEVER, because it is owned by TSA, Ben will need to approve any designs that include the Tulip (or designs similar to it). If you want to send Ben your design and it doesn’t include the tulip then that’s cool too - he might be able to provide some feedback prior to you spending money to get it printed. If IST want to make badges then that’s awesome. The same rules apply though.
Patrol Badges Here’s some examples: some use the Tulip, others use the colour scheme, others are their own designs completely!
Social Media We would also really value each Patrol setting up a Patrol Twitter (and maybe Instagram) to track your journey. Don’t just use it on the event, but start using it now to track your journey! IST may want to use their own personal social media accounts, or set up new ones for the event! The CMT really value social media as a way to see what is going on across the Country in all the patrols and IST meet-ups, especially as we are not all meeting each other until we land in Amsterdam. We would expect most (if not all) patrols to have a Patrol Twitter account that Patrol members can update over the course of the Roverway journey - from now through the event and afterwards. That will make it a great way to look back on what you have achieved and what you did over the course of 2018. IST may want to use social media too to talk about Roverway - most will just use personal accounts I imagine.
Social Media Tips A picture (or video) paints a thousand words. You’re representing The Scout Association with every tweet. But you still need to stand out from the crowd! Twitter is full of tweets and we don’t want yours to get lost in the crowd! By using a photo or a video, you can ensure that your content is viewed more and makes it feel more human than just 280 characters of grey text. Please remember that if you are tweeting from a Roverway Patrol Twitter account, some people will think that you represent the values and ideals of the Scout Association. We want you to be funny in your tweets, to make us think and laugh, but you need to be sensible too and remember that your content reflects other people’s opinions of Scouting. We want to see patrols having an amazing time, doing things they’ve never done before and meeting new people – not anecdotes about how you nearly fell in a canal, got lost in Amsterdam or anything worse. If you tweet something that we think isn’t in keeping with our values, we may contact you and ask you to remove it. Please respect this, we’re not trying to be killjoys.
Hashtags If you want us (and others) to see your Tweet or Instagram, make sure you use our official hashtags to ensure we notice it! #Roverway2018 is the hashtag for the whole event #RoverwayUK is our main hashtag - use this one over all others #TeamTulip is our IST-specific hashtag Using hashtags will mean we notice you more. We’d appreciate it if you used #RoverwayUK over anything else as this is what we will be looking for, but feel free to use the others if they fit better or you have space!
Are you following us? We use social media a lot to spread information about the event, both before and during. Please make sure you are following us on whatever social media you have: Facebook Roverway 2018: UK Scout Contingent page 3x Roverway groups (participants, PLs/APLs, IST) Twitter & Instagram @UKContingent Because we’re spread across the country, social media is a really quick and easy way of us keeping in touch with you so if you are on Facebook or Twitter, please follow us and join the relevant groups to keep up to date with what’s going on. We may also use it on event to spread messages quickly (although urgent messages will be sent through other channels - tbc later). The Facebook groups are the key way of you being able to speak to other participants and IST to ask advice, share funny stories and just meet new people so I would really recomment joining them. The easiest way to request to join is by going on our Facebook page and then clicking ‘Groups’ - they’ll all be there. There’s a screenshot on the next page too!
Screenshot of Facebook group locations
Any Questions?