Welcome Parents to Coffee with the Counselors Eaton High School - Class of 2021!
Meet the Eaton Administrators Dr. Carri Eddy, Principal Dr. Philo Waters, Associate Principal Chassidy Green, Assistant Principal (Last Names A-Gr) Andrea Lasher, Assistant Principal (Last Names Gu-N) Stacy Miles, Assistant Principal (Last Names O-Z) ADMINISTRATION WILL BE ADDED TO ADDRESS GROWTH AT EATON HIGH SCHOOL! STAY POSTED!
Meet the Counseling Staff Shana Jackson, Lead Counselor (Last names A-E) Irene Myers, Counselor (Last names F-L) Chris Cook, Counselor (Last names M-P Rebecca Kelley, Counselor (Last names Q-Z) Jami Wilson, PEIMS Clerk Lisa Elifrits, Counseling Receptionist Marlene Mendez, Registrar (Last Names A-K) Carmen Raburn, Registrar (Last Names L-M) ALPHA SPLIT WILL CHANGE 2017-18 TO ADDRESS OUR GROWTH AT EATON HIGH SCHOOL! STAY POSTED!
Eaton Frequent Q & A Question – When is freshman or new student orientation which we call Flight Camp? Answer – August 16th that evening so Save The Date! Question – When can my child receive their school schedule? Answer – Students will be able to view their schedule prior or on the Flight Camp date. Stay posted electronically for the most up to date information! Question – Can students take a tour of Eaton High School? Answer – Students will have an opportunity to tour the campus during their May 2017 high school campus transition visit and at Flight Camp in August! Question – What time does school start? Answer – 8:40 a.m. Question – When do the doors open in the morning for drop off? Answer – 7:30 a.m. Question – Where can students gather when dropped off in the morning? Answer – Library and cafeteria Question – When can students attend tutoring in the morning? Answer – 8:00 a.m. Question – When does school end? Answer – 4:00 p.m.
I’m Not Done Yet – More ?’s Question – What means of transportation is provided for my teen? Answer – Students may walk, be a car rider, drive if they have their driver’s license, or access NISD bus services if they qualify. Question – Where do students get dropped off and picked up if a they are a car rider? Answer – In the front of the school building. Question – Where do student get dropped off and picked up if they are a bus rider? Answer – In the back of the school building. Question – How can I access my child’s grades, missing work, attendance, tardies, school lunch account? Answer – Home Access is utilized at high school which is identical to NISD middle school access/ Question – How can I stay informed about my child’s high school experience? Answer – Read all your school emails, join and get involved in the PTSA, volunteer, follow us on twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and check the Eaton website often to stay in the up to date with the most current information through HAC and on moodle. Keep a age appropriate but necessary relationship between you, your teen, and their teachers. Partnership is vital especially in the high school years. We need YOU!
Your Goals = Our Goals Safety is our number one goal – Students will learn best where they feel safe! Higher level learning can be rigorous which may mean students may struggle at times. Let them struggle High school can be a positive experience for all students. Your child’s high school success depends on a team effort that consist of the student, their family, community, and school. Developing future ready students that are highly competitive in a global society using 21st technology is our mission BUT we also will have fun along the journey! #highschoolcanbefun!
Flight Camp Texas Generation Week/Days College and Career Fair – Fall 2017! College and Career Visits at Eaton Red Ribbon Week Mix It Up Day Community Involvement – Big Event – Green Cord Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YetCKzD8Ph4&feature=youtu.be
Involvement Increases Student Success. You know your child best Involvement Increases Student Success! You know your child best. Assure school/academic needs, extracurricular, and school involvement along with family and community life has a balance. Sports, Sports, and More Sports… Basketball, Swimming, Diving, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Cross Country, Track, Baseball, Softball, Wrestling, Football, Athletic Trainer
Eaton Fine Arts
Eaton Athletics
CTE Opportunities Business, Agriculture, STEM, Public Services, Arts & Humanities to name a few
Eagles Just Want To Have Fun! Mix It Up Day & Red Ribbon Week
Learning Opportunities This is how “we” learn at Eaton High!
Serving Opportunities
2017-18 Celebrations at Eaton High
Creating Traditions and Events Red Ribbon Week, College Dress Up First Wednesdays, Mix It Up, GenTex Week, School Dances, Big Event, Homecoming, over 40 clubs and the list goes on and on …
9th Grade Lingo 5 Words you need to know as a 9th Grade Parent: Grade Classification Credits GPA Class Rank Transcript
Grade Classification 10th Grade= 6 credits (Sophomore) 11th Grade=13 Credits (Junior) 12th Grade = 19 Credits (Senior) HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE= 26 Credits
Credits In high school, credits are earned by PASSING classes with a grade of 70 or above. The High School Transcript is where credits are recorded each semester. You must attend class to receive credits earned.
Speaking of Attendance…. AGAIN….. Students must attend a class in order to receive credit. Credit is granted or denied every semester.
GPA (Grade Point Average) Northwest ISD determines both an un-weighted GPA (4.0 scale) and a weighted GPA (7.0 scale). The weighted GPA is used in determining class rank. Weighted classes consist of core and LOTE. Advanced Placement (AP), Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP), and Dual Credit courses contain weighted grades for ranking.
Class Rank -Regular Courses max grade point is 5.0 -Correspondence Unweighted-4.0 Scale Weighted GPA-Courses receive different grade points based on level of difficulty of class Class rank is typically considered for college admissions. -Regular Courses max grade point is 5.0 -Pre/AP Courses max grad point is 6.0 -AP Courses max grade point is 7.0 GPA Exempt Courses (Don’t count in your GPA) -Correspondence -Credit By Exams -Summer School for remediation
Transcript Your High School Transcript is a copy of your permanent academic record. This includes all courses you have taken, all grades received, and all credits earned. Transcript is viewable in Home Access Center at various times throughout the year.
Schedule Changes Any student initiated schedule change must be completed by the last day of the prior school year. Electives will not be considered after the last day of school. PreAP/AP course requests to exit may submit a request for a level change during the following times: The 1st day of August through 4:00 p.m. the Tuesday (Aug 22nd) prior to the start of the new school year. The last five days of the first six weeks grading period and the first five days of the second six weeks grading period. The last five days of the first semester and the first five days of the second semester.
The High School Course Selection Guide IS Your New Best Friend! Almost everything and anything you need to know can be found in the NISD High School Course Selection Guide. Save the link for future reference: http://www.nisdtx.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_232117/File/Students/High%20School%20Course%20Selections/HighSchoolAcademicPlanningGuide2017-2018.pdf or locate it under the NISD student tab.
Where can I see my student’s course requests for 17-18? **Must be logged in as student.
We’re All In This Together! We’ve Got this! You’ve Got this! They’ve Got this!