An Interactive Dialogue System for Knowledge Acquisition in Cyc Michael Witbrock 2003-08-09 9/16/2018 IJCAI 2003
Cyc: Large Scale Knowledge Base >3,000 Microtheories >1,600,000 Assertions Cyc >200,000 Rules >30,000 Relations >120,000 Concepts 9/16/2018
codify & enter each piece of knowledge, by hand How did CYC get this far? Large effort to date 19 realtime years substantial investment 1984 2003 learning via natural language learning by discovery rate of learning Frontier of human knowledge codify & enter each piece of knowledge, by hand CYC amount known
Analogy Developer (similarTo RingoStarr JerryAllison) (isa JerryAllison FamousHuman) (mostNotableIsa JerryAllison (PlayerOfInstrumentFn DrumInstrument)) (hasMembers TheBeatles-MusicGroup JerryAllison) (authorOfSong JerryAllison OctopussGarden-TheSong) 9/16/2018
Phrase Disambiguator (residesInRegion JerryAllison Hillsboro) (originallyFromRegion JerryAllison Hillsboro) (from-UnderspecifiedLocation JerryAllison Hillsboro) 9/16/2018
Unknown Term (isa PeggySue Song-CW) 9/16/2018
Precision Suggestor (isa JerryAllison (PlayerOfInstrumentFn DrumInstrument)) (occupation JerryAllison 9/16/2018
Concept Refinement Interview (playsInstrumentInMusicalGroup JerryAllison ?EXISTING-OBJECT-TYPE ?MUSICAL-PERFORMANCE-ORGANIZATION) 9/16/2018
Concept Refinement Interview: Why I asked (aunts PeggySue-1 ?PERSON) (wife JerryAllison PeggySue-1) (implies (and (aunts ?Z ?Y) (wife ?X ?Y)) (uncles ?Z ?X)) 9/16/2018
Concept Refinement Interview: Induction (isa JerryAllison ?NATIONALITY) 9/16/2018
Mixed-Initiative Dialogue User Interaction Agenda KE Rules Knowledge Base Statement Command Question Deductions Inductions 9/16/2018
Progress in Knowledge Entry Efficiency 50 40 30 20 10 Assertions per Hour Manual KE Feasibility Study 2000-10 RKF Year 1 2001-08 RKF Year 2 2002-09 9/16/2018
Where do we want to go next? Never make the user wait Support both rapid and diligent parsing. Improve ambiguity resolution Deferred resolution by ambiguity tolerance Anaphor resolution Focus-based resolution Transparent, correctable eager resolution Conversational goals 9/16/2018
Design Goal: Interlocutor History / Status Text / Template Entry What is “The World Health Organization”? What is “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome”? By what medium was the announcement made? What type of pathogen was the new pathogen? Suggestions for Efficient Knowledge Entry Graphical View of Added Knowledge
Parse Pipeline Syntactic Parser Semantic Parser Reformulator Language Natural Tree Parse Underspecified Formula Semantic Formula Semantic Assertible Knowledge Base 9/16/2018
Advanced parsing and discourse modeling Interaction with Cyc should be a conversation that the user controls. Cyc’s responses should be: Relevant – Track thread and overall goals Correctable – Detect, examine, correct Learned – Do better next time Move to declarative representation and use inference more Parsing and resolution rules are more transparent, flexible, and learnable Deferred and inter-sentential resolution with ambiguity tolerance User/Cyc relationship as teacher/student (or student/teacher) 9/16/2018