Valuing All God’s Children Valuing All God’s Children was published on 13 November 2017 (anti-bullying week) A copy was sent to every Church of England primary and secondary school and to every Diocesan Board of Education. Broad and varied media response raised the profile of the report Chief Education Officer’s blog reached 55,037 people Blog shared on Twitter by the Church of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury Katy Staples, Writer and Schools Advisor for Diocese of Bristol 1 Feb 2018
3 starter conversations…
The Church of England Education Office Headlines Today we published new guidance to Church schools on tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying. We are equipping schools with support to ensure that they can create welcoming communities where human identity in all its forms is celebrated. One in ten pupils who are transgender have received death threats. Can you imagine how that can impact on a young life? More frequent is marginalizing through social exclusion, cyberbullying, verbal and physical abuse. No parent, friend, teacher or governor would wish this on their own and it is incumbent on us as Christians to act to create welcoming schools where all pupils are honoured and respected members of their community. Without this fundamental element how can we enable all our children to flourish? Nigel Genders, Chief Education Officer at the Church of England (from blog published 13/11/17
Valuing All God’s Children Conversation 1 All? What’s your why?
What’s your story?
Valuing All? Challenging bullying Inclusion
‘Warm fires and open doors’ Conversation 2 Inclusion? Signifiers of belonging? Starter Activity : 10 mins discuss 5 mins feedback The Purpose of this is to set the scene and to focus inspectors minds on what the key issue is at the heart of “Valuing All God’s Children”. Using the Course Materials Booklet In pairs/ threes discuss the two questions and feedback In answers seek responses like : teacher following the school’s policy on behaviour and tackling bullying and logging incidents could include restorative justice also taking a 360 °, non- superficial approach – is there a hidden meta-script/ reason – what do we know of these boy’s lives – always starting with compassion? School structural initiatives may have included : Staff training , the development of an agreed school script, an anti-bullying policy that includes homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying (HBT) agreed set procedures to include support and challenge, and the inclusion and hospitality offered to different types of families. The curriculum offer in PSHE – or anti-bullying week initiatives . Support structures for vulnerable pupils and agreed practices on challenging stereotypes.
Current legal context for all schools in England The Equality Act 2010 Protected Characteristics: age disability gender reassignment marriage and civil partnership pregnancy and maternity race religion or belief sex sexual orientation
What should our public signifiers of belonging be for each of these ? Being or becoming transgender 2. Sex 3. Disability 4. Race 5. Religion This slide is for information See pages 6 of Valuing All God’s Children for details and examples and sources 6. Sexual Orientation (age, marriage, pregnancy or parenthood)
Facing the controversial Conversation 3
Questions and comments
Copies of the guidance Training Electronic copies of Valuing All God’s Children can be found on the Church of England website: Hard copies can be ordered for £4 per copy Training Further training to support the guidance document will be offered by dioceses in the Spring and Summer term. Contact your diocesan education team to find out more. The word versions of the templates in the appendices can also be found at the above link. These can be downloaded and used by schools.