Southern Colonies
Mason-Dixon Line Boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland Separated Middle colonies from Southern Colonies Later on separates North from South
Calvert died and son Lord Baltimore took over colony Maryland Founded 1632 – Sir Calvert wanted to build a colony for Catholics to practice religion freely, Calvert died and son Lord Baltimore took over colony
As proprietor, Lord Baltimore appointed a governor and a council of advisors He created an elected assembly. He made generous land grants to anyone that would bring over servants, women, and children.
Protestants were welcome Act of Toleration was passed-provided religious freedom for all Christians.
English settlers continue to move into Virginia Newcomers have to go farther inland onto Indian lands.
How about some Bacon, egg, and cheese We’ll call the sandwich Bacon’s Rebellion
Bacon’s Rebellion Conflicts continued between the Native Americans and new settlers Settlers called on governor to take action Governor refused…… Do you know why?
Well, the Governor profited from a fur trade with the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion Well, the Governor profited from a fur trade with the Indians. …….Now do you get it?
Then he led them to Jamestown, the capitol, and burned it down. Bacon’s Rebellion In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, organizes men and women and started raiding Native American villages. Then he led them to Jamestown, the capitol, and burned it down. Do you know how it ended?
Bacon died suddenly and the revolt fell apart. Bacon’s Rebellion Bacon died suddenly and the revolt fell apart. The governor hanged 23 of Bacon’s followers. Still people moved onto Indian lands.
North and South Carolina Settled by 8 English nobles who received a land grant from King Charles II. North was settled by poor tobacco farmers In South Carolina Charleston develops.
Rise of Plantation Slavery Planters discover that rice grows well Africans are brought over to teach them how to plant rice Indigo, a plant used to make dye, also is developed
Rise of Plantation Slavery Large numbers of workers are needed to grow rice They tried to enslave Native Americans but that did not work.
They turned to Africa for slaves Rise of Slavery They turned to Africa for slaves By 1700, most people coming to Charleston were African slaves. Soon in South Carolina, slaves outnumber colonists.
Georgia Founded by James Oglethorpe Wanted a place where debtors, people who owed money that could not pay back, can make a fresh start. Slavery at first was forbidden Why do you think that had to change?
coastal plain, many rivers rolling hills, thick forests Land Farms Crops Slavery Tidewater Plantations Backcountry coastal plain, many rivers rolling hills, thick forests large plantations small farms tobacco, rice, indigo tobacco, garden crops Enslaved Africans tended Tidewater plantations Few enslaved Africans worked backcountry farms.
First enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia. 1619 1600s Early 1700s 1700s First enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia. Some Africans remained enslaved, some were servants, a few were free. Carolina plantations needed large numbers of workers. The planters came to rely on slave labor. Slave ships carried millions of enslaved Africans west across the Atlantic. Colonists enacted slave codes. Many colonists displayed racism, though a few spoke out against slavery.