Alkynes Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-160 9/16/2018
General formula Cn H2n-2 or C2H2 , C3 H4 An acyclic unsaturated hydrocarbon in which one or more Carbon-Carbon triple bonds are present General formula Cn H2n-2 or C2H2 , C3 H4 9/16/2018 Dr Seemal Jelani
9/16/2018 Dr Seemal Jelani
“Terminal” alkynes have the triple bond at the end of the chain: CH3CH2CCH HCCCHCH2CH3 1-butyne 3-methyl-1-pentyne Ethylacetylene sec-Butylacetylene
Linear arrangement in Carbon-Carbon triple bond Methane 109.50 Ethene 1200 Ethyne 1800 Cis and trans isomerism is not possible in alkynes The simplest alkyne is called Acetylene. It’s a colourless gas, with BP -840 is prepared 9/16/2018 Dr Seemal Jelani
Physical properties: weakly or non-polar, no H-bonding relatively low mp/bp water insoluble
Simplest alkyne Acetylene Colorless, BP -840, is prepared by the reaction of calcium carbide and water 9/16/2018 Dr Seemal Jelani
Rules for naming are same except the ending “yne” Acetylene with Oxygen gives oxyacetylene which has temperature 10000 C and used for welding purposes Rules for naming are same except the ending “yne” Physical properties are similar to alkenes and alkanes Insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents Low density BP increases with molecular mass Low molecular mass alkynes are gases at room temperature 9/16/2018 Dr Seemal Jelani
Synthesis of alkynes Dehydrohalogenation of vicinal dihalides H H H | | | — C — C — + KOH — C = C — + KX + H2O | | | X X X H | — C = C — + NaNH2 — C C — + NaX + NH3 X
H H | | — C — C — + 2 KOH — C C — + KX + H2O | | heat X X CH3CH2CHCH2 + KOH; then NaNH2 CH3CH2CCH Br Br “ + 2 KOH, heat
Reactions, alkynes: addition of H2 (reduction) addition of X2 addition of HX addition of H2O, H+
Addition of H2 H H | | — C C — + 2 H2, Ni — C — C — alkane requires catalyst (Ni, Pt or Pd)
HCCH + 2 H2, Pt CH3CH3 [ HCCH + one mole H2, Pt CH3CH3 + CH2=CH2 + HCCH ] H \ / Na or Li C = C anti- NH3(liq) / \ — C C — \ / H2, Pd-C C = C syn- Lindlar catalyst / \ H H
CH3 H \ / Na or Li C = C anti- NH3(liq) / \ H CH3 trans-2-butene CH3CCCH3 H H H2, Pd-C C = C syn- Lindlar catalyst / \ CH3 CH3 cis-2-butene
Addition of hydrogen halides: H H X | | | — C C— + HX — C = C — + HX — C — C — | | | X H X HX = HI, HBr, HCl Markovnikov orientation Cl CH3CCH + HCl CH3C=CH2 + HCl CH3CCH3 Cl Cl
Addition of X2 X X X | | | — C C— + X2 — C = C — + X2 — C — C — | | | X X X Br Br Br CH3CCH + Br2 CH3C=CH + Br2 CH3-C-CH Br Br Br
Chemical reactivity is similar to alkenes 9/16/2018 Dr Seemal Jelani