Year 7 Homework Tasks Art & Design 2017 / 2018
You have just three tasks to complete for this homework You have just three tasks to complete for this homework. Please check your ‘show my homework’ app for the correct hand in date for this piece of work. TASK 1: We would like you to complete the front cover of your new art file booklet. You will need to include lettering and drawings. Finally, you will need to add tonal colour to complete this piece of work, remember to work into the background too! You may use any colour media of your choice. There is an example of this task shown on slide number 3. TASK 2: We would like you to complete the task given on page 1 in your art file booklet. For this task, we would like you to collect cut out pictures from newspapers and magazines, photographs, postcards and / or images printed out from the internet, which all show different aspects of the types of art / art work which inspires you. Please glue these images down onto page 1 to create a collage. There is an example of this task shown on slide number 4. Please don’t complete any other pages in this booklet. Task 3: Please join the Pinterest website in order to view our online gallery. You will find instructions on how to do this contained in slide number 5 of this PowerPoint presentation. If your parent or carer is unhappy about you having access to this site, then we would like you to complete this task together with an adult from home. They can manage the password and monitor your access to this site with you. Art & Design
Example of Task 1 Art File front cover design…
Examples of Task 2 collage work… Students have chosen their favourite painting to print out to use as a background to collage on top of. Here, many other images from their favourite works of art have been cut out and applied over the background to create their page1 homework design.
Art & Design Competition… We will upload a selection of the best homework's onto our online Pinterest Gallery. See below for details of how you and your family can become followers of the Waseley art work! Art & Design To join Pinterest, simply click on the red ‘P’ logo above this text to be redirected to their website. It’s free to join but you will need an email account address to register. Once registered search for the ‘Art @ Waseley Hills’ page and us to become a follower!
The next slide contains a copy of the front cover of the booklet The next slide contains a copy of the front cover of the booklet. Please print this out if you have lost your booklet or were absent when these were given out to your class. Part two of the homework can be completed on a blank sheet of A4 sized paper.
You have two more tasks to complete at home for this homework You have two more tasks to complete at home for this homework. Please check your ‘show my homework’ app for the correct hand in date for this work. TASK 4: Please complete this during the week beginning Mon 12th Feb ‘18 We would like you to complete the front page of the worksheet which your teacher gave to you in lesson. If you were away or have lost this sheet, then you can print out a new one, this is contained on slide 12 of this PowerPoint. Remember to add the appropriate colour / tonal shading / mark making / patterns etc. to each word so that it reflects the meaning of the word. These words are known as the eight formal elements of art. There is a completed example of this task shown on slide number 10. TASK 5: Please complete this during the week beginning Mon 19th Feb ‘18 We would like you to complete the inside page of the worksheet which your teacher gave to you in lesson. If you were away or have lost this sheet, then you can print out a new one, this is contained on slide 13 of this PowerPoint. You will need to Google ‘the formal elements of art’. Please read about each one of the eight words contained on your sheet, then in your own words, write the correct art meaning of it down in the appropriate space underneath the corresponding word which you have coloured in. Remember to use full sentences, there is a completed example of this task shown on slide number 11. Art & Design
Example of Task 4 - The decoration of the Formal Elements of Art words…
Example of Task 5 - The meaning of the Formal Elements of Art words… Colour Example of Task 5 - The meaning of the Formal Elements of Art words…
You have one extra task to complete at home for this homework You have one extra task to complete at home for this homework. Please check your ‘show my homework’ app for the correct hand in date for this piece of work. TASK 6: Extension Task: Only complete this extension task if your teacher has asked you to! Following on from your ‘Art Defective’ tasks in class where you looked at the work of both Sarah Jane Szikora and a Year 11 student, please choose a famous artist to base this task on. We would like you to decorate each side of the cube net which you were given in class, with a range of written facts and drawings / paintings based on the life and work of your chosen artist. Try to include as many words as you can in your written work from the glossary contained on slide 17, there are also some questions on here to answer as a starting point for your written work. You can use any media of your choice for this work. If you were away or have lost this cube net sheet, then you can print out a new one, this is contained on slide 16 of this PowerPoint. Finally cut out and assemble your 2-D net into a 3-D cube. There are completed examples of this task shown to the right of this text. Art & Design
Terms most used in describing creative works of Art: Glossary: Terms most used in describing creative works of Art: OK, Art Detectives, Let’s Investigate! Give vision Direction Flavour A new slant Force Uniqueness Transparent Inspiration A glow Motivation Enrichment Invigorate Enthral Take seriously Precise care Out of the ordinary Enjoy Charm Influence Interest Delight Communicate Cultivate Nurture Plan intelligently Detach Transfer Challenge Elevate Satiate Improve Value Dimensional Discipline Delicate Commands attention Opaque Develop Satisfy Beautify Identify Inspire Enrage Excite Originate Create Associate Cherish Alter Revise Criticise Impress Impart Bold Colourful Emotional Vivid Contrasting Symmetrical Composed Representational Realistic tic Abstract Bright / Dull Outrageous Use the questions below as starting points to help you write about your chosen artists work. What do you see? Is this a good piece of work? Describe how the eight formal elements of art have been used in this piece. What do you think is happening in this piece of art? What materials and techniques do you think the artist used to make this artwork? Does this piece remind you of anything? What questions do you have about this piece? How would you answer these? Pretend you could go inside this piece of art. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Which part of this is your favourite? Why is this? If you could change one aspect about this, what would you change? How does this piece of art make you feel? Can you say why? If you had to describe this artwork to a friend, what words would you use in your sentence?