RESEARCH REALLY MATTERS MAPS Faculty Board RESEARCH REALLY MATTERS 8th December 2006 Bronek Wedzicha Pro-Dean Research
Why does research really matter? Fundamental to University life The reason why many of the academic staff came here Freedom to pursue specific interests Strong sense of ownership Measure of our esteem amongst peers Reflects standing of University Leads to other things (e.g., through EKT) Tensions: RAE Metric based assessments (e.g., impact, citations) League tables Research funding models: FEC Funding a measure of research performance What we do is increasingly specified by others
Research Really Matters! 2005/6 was all about Faculty and University Strategy 2006/7 is all about delivery The external agenda (Research Councils, Government) We need to explore aspirations, drivers, constraints It is becoming urgent that we find solutions: failure to do so is not an option! I am seeking advice-this is not meant to be prescriptive Ownership Leadership VITAL
‘The Chancellor, in the pre-Budget report today (6 December), announced the outcome of the consultation exercise on the future of research assessment and funding. The statement confirmed that the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) will go ahead as planned and that the results of RAE 2008 will significantly influence funding for the five-year period from 2009-10.’
A revised system of assessment will be introduced after 2008 A revised system of assessment will be introduced after 2008. The key features will be: for science, engineering, technology (SET) and medicine, a combination of research income, data on postgraduate research students and a bibliometric indicator of quality will be used to assess research. The process will be overseen by a small number of expert advisory groups for all other disciplines, including mathematics and statistics, there will be a light-touch peer review process informed by a range of discipline-specific indicators. The new system will be phased in gradually for the SET and medical disciplines from September 2010 to August 2014. In all other disciplines, expert panels will be convened in 2013 to inform funding allocations from 2014 onwards.
Faculty of MAPS
Growing Research Income and Performance (GRIP) The GRIP Agenda: Developing staff SRDS Mentoring Developing Research staff Creating time for academic development Faculty policy on sabbaticals Raising Our Esteem Growing Peaks of Excellence Faculty Policy on visitors Doing Things Better Peer review of grant applications Peer review of final reports Final report ratings Research administration processes
RAE Reviews of draft submissions now complete for MAPS Feedback meetings External review Revised drafts in January Another round of feedback
Questions How do we use SRDS to best advantage to develop staff? How should mentoring work? How do we create for time for academic development? How can we encourage more individuals to apply for research grants? How can we get larger grants? What should be our approach to Peaks of Excellence? Will Peer Review lead to greater successes? How can we improve our research administration processes?