Whitespace – (negative space) Empty space on a page Whitespace is needed to stop webpages looking cluttered and hard to read. Provides ‘visual relief’ and organisation.
“Filling all the white space on a page is like removing all the oxygen from a room—an efficient use of space perhaps, but decidedly difficult to inhabit”. http://webstyleguide.com/wsg3/7-page-design/3-visual-design.html http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/design-theory/understanding-visual-hierarchy-in-web-design/ check this website for more
Active white space: Space that's deliberately left blank to better structure the page and emphasize different areas of content. Passive white space: Empty space around the outside of the page or blank areas inside the content that result from a poor design. Not enough whitespace
Task – point out where the passive and active whitespace is and where there is not enough. Then swap with a friend to discuss your ideas.
Good use of whitespace.
How will you make sure your website has the right amount of whitespace? Answers: