First Week Assignments. Journal #5 Write a paragraph explaining what the perfect/ideal girl or boy would be like for you.


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Presentation transcript:

First Week Assignments

Journal #5 Write a paragraph explaining what the perfect/ideal girl or boy would be like for you.

Monday 10/01/12 We are going to read through the story together and discuss as we go. We will fill out the plot diagram you downloaded from LMS as a class. Your participation is required.

Tuesday 10/02/12 Continue reading. Continue class discussion. Finish plot diagram.

Wednesday 10/03/12 We will be taking the CCA today. Please take out a pencil. If you do not have one, please raise your hand and be prepared to give me your student i.d. in exchange for a pencil.

Thursday 10/04/12 Finish CCA Journal check (major grade). Your journal check includes: 1. Vocabulary Foldable 2. Plot Structure Foldable 3. Journal #1 4. Journal #2 5. Journal #3 6. Urkel circle map and short answer 7. Journal #4 8. Inference t-chart (dugout picture) 9. Journal #5 10. Journal #6

Thursday If time permits, we will review the story and begin the Type II Journal Characterization and Textual Evidence assignment.

Type II Journal Assignment Friday, 10/05/12

Create the T-Chart Below Title: Type II Journal Slip Over Sweater Evidence (in quotation marks/page number) Inference/Commentary

What is an adjective? Describes a noun or a pronoun or gives a noun or pronoun a more specific meaning.

Six Methods of Characterization 1. Describing what a character looks like 2. What the character does (action) 3. What the character says (speaking) 4. How others react to him/her 5. What the character thought to themselves 6. What the author directly states about the character

Type II Journal Example Evidence(in quotation marks and page number) Inference/Commentary Shan stated, She was the prettiest and most popular girl in Gadsen High School (137). Shan remarked, I just protected Grace as any boy would protect a girl he had once loved but had ceased to love since he had found another girl… (138). Harley Potters said, Think, she comes five miles to school and five miles home and makes the highest grades in her class (141). Pretty and popular-From Shans direct description of Jo-Anne, it is evident that she is both pretty and popular. Thoughtful- Although Shan and Grace are no longer a couple, Shans concern about Graces safety and his desire to protect her demonstrate his thoughtfulness. Diligent and dedicated- Grace walks ten miles to school to receive an education. She has the highest grades in her class and her grades show that she is a hard- worker.

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