The French National Agency on Water and Aquatic Environments « CIS-SPI's (science policy interface) on economics: some insights for further developments » Sarah Hernandez CIS-Workshop on WFD-economics: taking stock and looking ahead October 19-20 - Liege
Elements of context Presentation of the Common Implementation Strategy : Establishment in 2001 Forum of cooperation to tackle challenges raised by the implementation WFD Organised around activities (working groups, expert groups, ad hoc activities) Aims of the CIS : coherent and harmonious implementation common understanding and approach Hydromorphology Economics Biodiversity Ad hoc activities Science Policy Interface
Establishment of the CIS-SPI ad hoc activity : Elements of context Strong scientific and technical support needed by the WFD implementation But knowledge transfer not satisfactory (few outputs taken-up) Need of a sustainable Science-Policy Interface discussed in the framework of the CIS since 2005 Adopted at the last Water Directors Meeting (30th November 2009) for 2010-2012 To ensure a dynamic interface To identify research needs To improve research results dissemination to support WFD implementation CIS-SPI meeting September 30th
Some major issues in the current European practice … Economics was a rather new element compared with other WFD fields of work – “Learning by doing”. Elaboration of tool kits, guidelines, and policy recommendations for the development of economic aspects in relation to WFD, based partially on WATECO. Pilot surveys supporting the economic analysis for RBPM preparation (baseline scenarios, water uses economical assessment, cost recovery analysis, costing and cost-effectiveness analysis of measures, cost-benefit analysis for HMWB or exemptions, disproportionality). This first cycle has allowed to many people to understand what they can expect from economics 4 4
Some major issues in the current European practice … Collection of data at the accuracy level required and methodological developments are still challenging. The difficulties rely mainly on the unequal awareness of what economics could bring in the planning process A limited human capacities and expertise at the ministerial level and water regional level but totally absent at other levels of public administration
Key issues Economic valuation of ecological services needs more development Assessment of environmental benefits related to good status / environnemental and resource cost Assessment of the effectiveness of non-technical measures such as hydromorphology, buffers zones, wetlands restoration Assessment and use of other social values enhanced by perception, history and traditional practice in the use of water and as well as the institutional context in which water regulation is taken place. Economic analysis needs to be improved in: the process of conducting these surveys in order to improve transparency in the way data and information are used, more objectivity of the results, acceptance and governance for the implementation of the measures and finally, to solve geographical and time scale in estimating effectiveness and benefits. The estimation of the transactions costs generated by the implementation of these measures (administrative costs, information costs, reporting/monitoring costs, negotiation costs and compliance costs The dissemination to policy-makers
Key issues Alternative financing approach by the use of economic and market-base instruments for the implementation of WFD to deepen the conditions for efficiency of traditional “right” combination of collective (cooperative) action, market economic tools and regulation for achieving the WFD objectives Affordability of measures: Guidance on disproportionate costs requires an assessment of affordability of measures for different sectors (thresholds ???; integration of equity and social considerations) 7 7
Cross-cutting issues… Development of complementary and more integrated indicators for water quality Improvement of WFD water quality monitoring programmes Research on pressures-impacts relationships – a more holistic approach Development of an ecosystem services approach in water management Adaptation to climate change (primary and secondary effects) and more generally to other pressures of global change Management plans and Programmes of measures: articulation between different spatial and temporal scales between research, monitoring and management
Current projects … IWRM-Net ESAWADI project to analyze and provide advice on the potential usefulness the ecosystem services assessment (ESA) approach To link economic elements and requirements of the WFD and the current “state-of-the-art” regarding valuation of ecosystem services Water Cap & Trade : Design and assessment of the potential for water market scenarios in Southern Europe, focusing in particular on their socio-economic implications by mobilizing complementary socio-economic methods and tools. 9 9
On-going projects … ONEMA Comparative analysis of European practice on : Disproportionate costs Environmental and resource costs Cost-effectiveness analysis Ecological, economic and institutional conditions for water markets Public trust for ecological dammage 10 10
Recent developments : Game theory and experimental economics 11 11
European Environmental Agency Recent developments : Spatial analysis of the production and use of ecological services related to water resource and ecosystems Ecosystem Accounting for the Cost of Biodiversity Losses: Framework and Case Study for Coastal Mediterranean Wetlands European Environmental Agency 12 12
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