Chapter 2.4 McDougal Littell Middle School Math Course 1 Joseph Williams Melvin E. Sine Elementary Chapter 2.4 McDougal Littell Middle School Math Course 1 Objective: Create and interpret frequency tables and line plots.
Vocabulary Data – pg. 72 - information, often given in the form of numbers or facts. Frequency Table – pg. 72 - a table that displays the number of times each item or category occurs in a data set. Line Plot – pg. 73 - a number line diagram that uses X marks to show the frequencies of items or categories being tallied.
Making a Frequency Table What is your favorite color? To find out which color is chosen most often, we can make a frequency table. MAKE IT!!
Line Plot When the items or categories being tallied are numbers, a line plot can be used to visually display the data. A line plot uses X marks above a number line to show the frequencies. X X X X X X The X marks above the number line show the frequencies. X X X X X X X X X X The Number Line shows the number of books read. X X X X X X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of Books Read
Your Turn Now How many siblings (brothers and sisters) do you have? Let’s make a frequency chart for the class.