The Ugly Duckling By Keri & Eshpa
Exposition One sunny day down by the pond of an old farm there was a mother duck and her ducklings, but there was
Rising action one duckling that was a little different than his brothers and sisters because he was an ugly duckling.
Rising action There was a bad storm and the ugly duckling got lost
Rising action The Farmer found him and took him in, and raised him.
Climax When he grew up he went out to the pond and and saw the most beautiful creatures, swans. “oh how I wish I could be as pretty as them just for a day! ” said the ugly duckling. And when he looked into the water he saw a beautiful swan looking back at him. He grew up to be a beautiful swan.
Falling Action The other swans came up to him. “where have you been!” they said.
Denouement Then he swam majestically with his new friends. And the beautiful swan lived happily ever after.