Bible: The Review
The Old Testament Written over 700-1200 year time period
What are the first 5 books of the OT called?
What are the first 5 books of the OT called? The Pentateuch
What are the first 5 books of the OT called? The Pentateuch Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Creation “I Believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth.”
Creation “I Believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth.” God created universe God created Man in His Image First man?
The Garden/Temple/Church God desires to be among his creation Garden of Eden
The Garden/Temple/Church God desires to be among his creation Garden of Eden
Man’s Fall? Adam & Eve Sin
Man’s Fall? Adam & Eve Sin Get kicked out of Eden God is not able
Sin takes over world God doesn’t like it. What does he do?
Sin takes over world God doesn’t like it. Drowns everyone except Noah.
Sin takes over world God doesn’t like it. Drowns everyone except Noah.
After flood…
After flood………..???????
After flood… Sin immediately shows up again. Noah’s sons????
World gets more sinful…
World gets more sinful… Tower of Babel
Does God give up on His creation?
Does God give up on His creation? No!
God chooses Abram (Abraham) God favors Abraham & his sons (nation of Israel) Famous story of Abraham?
Abraham & Isaac?
God chooses Abram (Abraham) God favors Abraham’s sons (nation of Israel) Joseph leads family to Egypt, where they become enslaved.
Moses God chooses Moses to lead his people out of slavery. This is known as the….?
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Moses God chooses Moses to lead his people out of slavery (Exodus) Moses is given Law of God
Moses God chooses Moses to lead his people out of slavery (Exodus) Moses is given Law of God (Exodus-Deut) God promises them the “Land of Milk and Honey.” (Joshua) Israelites disobey God, leave pagans alive, marry into paganism and break God’s commands.
The Garden/Temple/Church God desires to be among his creation Garden of Eden Build a Tabernacle
God sends Israelites Prophets & Judges Israel turns to God and back away from God over and over. (Judges & 1st Sam)
Israelites Demand a King Who?
Israelites Demand a King Saul.
Israelites Demand a King Saul David
Israelites Demand a King Saul David Solomon
More problems Israel cut into two sections?
More problems Israel cut into two sections? Judah & Israel
Israelites suffered a number of military defeats Israelites suffered a number of military defeats. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C. and many captives were taken away to Babylon. (Babylonian Captivity)
Israel in Babylon Remember Daniel?
Cyrus of Persia Lets Israelites go back & Rebuild Jerusalem 520s (2nd Chronicles, Ezra & Nehemiah) Rebuilt Jewish Temple
Greeks conquered Persia in 332 BC Antiochus Epiphanies banned Jewish rites/slaughtered pig on Alter 200ish BC
Romans took over 63 BC This is setting for Jesus’ Birth
The Historical Books Joshua Judges Ruth 1st Samuel 2nd Samuel 1st Kings 2nd Kings 1st Chronicles 2nd Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Tobit* Judith* Esther 1st Maccabees* 2nd Maccabees*
The Wisdom Books Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Wisdom* Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)*
The Books of Prophecy Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Baruch* Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
The New Testament Written over 50 year time period
Jesus Christ Born around 3 BC Killed by Romans in 30 AD Raised from dead, ascended into heaven… Followers wait for the “Comforter”
Christian Church & The Age of Christianity Begins at Pentecost (Acts ) Holy Spirit enters Disciples begin spreading Gospel
Church headquartered in…
Church headquartered in… Jerusalem Who led church?
Church headquartered in… Jerusalem Who led church? James the Just (Jesus' brother)
Church is persecuted by…
Church is persecuted by… The Jews Paul Risen Christ appears to Paul Paul becomes a Christian
Spread of Christianity Apostles spread Christianity to Africa, Asia, & Europe. Acts focuses mostly on Paul & Peter, but Church did grow elsewhere too. It was diverse with varying beliefs and practices.
In 64 AD, Rome…
In 64 AD, Rome Burns!
Legend says….
Legend says….
In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians
In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Peter?
In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Peter?
In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Paul?
In 64 AD, Rome Burns! Nero blames Christians St. Paul?
The Gospels (60-95AD) The four Gospels tell of the birth, life, ministry, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew Mark Luke John
Acts Who wrote it?
Luke & Acts Two part book Acts tells story of Early church through about 62 AD.
Luke & Acts Two part book Acts tells story of Early church through about 62 AD. St Luke wrote it.
The Letters of Paul (50-64 AD) Wrote to encourage individual churches Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1st Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians 1st Timothy 2nd Timothy Titus Philemon
The Catholic (general) Epistles Hebrews James 1st Peter 2nd Peter 1st John 2nd John 3rd John Jude
Apocalyptic books Revelation (95-100 AD)
Gospels???? Themes?
Gospels Matthew? Written by???
Gospels Matthew? Written by Matthew
Gospels Matthew? Written by Matthew Date?
Gospels Matthew? Written by Matthew Date? Probably 70 AD to 80 AD
Gospels Matthew? Written by Matthew Date? Written to???? Probably 70 AD to 80 AD Written to????
Gospels Matthew? Written by Matthew? Theme? Date? Written to Jews Probably 70 AD to 80 AD Written to Jews Theme? Jesus as Messianic King
Gospels Mark Who wrote it?
Gospels Mark John Mark the Evangelist Disciple?
Gospels Mark John Mark the Evangelist Disciple of Peter Earliest Gospel (64 AD, or even earlier)
Gospels Mark John Mark the Evangelist Themes? Disciple of Peter Earliest Gospel (64 AD, or even earlier) Themes?
Gospels Mark John Mark the Evangelist Themes Disciple of Peter Earliest Gospel (64 AD, or even earlier) Themes Jesus as Servant
Gospels Mark John Mark the Evangelist Themes Disciple of Peter Earliest Gospel (64 AD, or even earlier) Themes Jesus as Servant Messianic Secret
Gospels Luke? Who wrote it?
Gospels Luke? Luke the physician
Gospels Luke? Luke the physician Friend of Paul
Gospels Luke? Luke the physician Friend of Paul Greek
Gospels Luke? Luke the physician Friend of Paul Greek Literarily best gospel.
Gospels Luke? Luke the physician Themes Friend of Paul Greek Literarily best gospel. Themes
Gospels Luke? Luke the physician Themes Friend of Paul Greek Literarily best gospel. Themes Jesus Humanity
These Three Gospels are called?
These Three Gospels are called? The synoptics
John? Written by?
John? John Written by St John
John? John Written by St John Latest gospel written 90ish AD
John? John Written by St John Latest gospel written 90ish AD Theme?
John? John Written by St John Theme Latest gospel written 90ish AD Jesus as God Jesus is Truth; Truth is harsh
Where did Christianity Spread?
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement ?
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement 1. Judaism
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement 1. Judaism Jewish Christians – Jews who believe Messiah has come.
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement 1. Judaism Jewish Christians – Jews who believe Messiah has come. Orthodox Jews
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement 1. Judaism Jewish Christians – Jews who believe Messiah has come. Orthodox Jews believe Christ followers are heretics.
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement 1. Judaism Jewish Christians – Jews who believe Messiah has come. Orthodox Jews believe Christ followers are heretics. Israel is nearly destroyed in 70 AD/is destroyed by 130AD
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement 1. Judaism Jewish Christians – Jews who believe Messiah has come. Orthodox Jews believe Christ followers are heretics. Israel is nearly destroyed in 70 AD/is destroyed by 130AD 2. The gentile world
II. Where did Christianity Spread? A. The cultural movement 1. Judaism Jewish Christians – Jews who believe Messiah has come. Orthodox Jews believe Christ followers are heretics. Israel is nearly destroyed in 70 AD/is destroyed by 130AD 2. The gentile world St. Paul evangelizes the Gentiles (non-Jews) Rome! St. Peter travels to Rome!
II. The Spread of Christianity B. The social movement 1. Common people 2. The “higher classes” 3. Clement of Alexandria: “What Kind of Rich Person Can Be Saved?”
II. The Spread of Christianity C. The geographical movement 1. To the West a. By the end of the 1st century: eastern Mediterranean b. By 185: also Gaul, Germania, Spain, and North Africa
II. The Spread of Christianity
II. The Spread of Christianity C. The geographical movement 1. To the West a. By the end of the 1st century: eastern Mediterranean b. By 185: also Gaul, Germania, Spain, and North Africa 2. To the East a. India: Apostle Thomas
II. The Spread of Christianity C. The geographical movement 1. To the West a. By the end of the 1st century: eastern Mediterranean b. By 185: also Gaul, Germania, Spain, and North Africa 2. To the East a. India: Apostle Thomas b. Syria C. Afghanistan
Important! Paul and Peter weren't the only guys running around spreading Christianity!