Objective: SWBAT identify the characteristics of Ancient Rome Objective: SWBAT identify the characteristics of Ancient Rome. Set Sail: 1) Who was the King of gods, according to Roman mythology? 2) Who wrote The Aeneid? 3) Which civilization most affected the culture of Rome?
Big Questions Yesterday we discussed what parts of Roman culture came from Ancient Greece. What did the Romans take from the Greeks? Does Rome have any parts of its culture it can call its own? Today we will find out.
Romulus Myth According to legend, Romulus founded Rome. According to myth, Romulus and his brother Remus were twins raised by wolves. One day they learned that they were the rightful rulers of Rome. The brothers fought over who should rule, and Romulus killed Remus. Romulus became the first king of Rome.
Architecture Roman architecture is famous for its long-lasting concrete structures, arches, columns, and domes.
Public Baths Wealthy Romans went to public baths to relax and discuss business. The baths are the perfect places to meet with friends and talk business.
Check for Understanding According to legend, who was the founder of Rome? What are the characteristics of Roman architecture? What did people do in the public baths of Rome?
Discussion Questions Do you think the legend of Romulus and Remus is true? Why might this legend have been created? What does it say about the nature of Rome? The Roman government was responsible for building many of the impressive architecture in Rome. Why do you think the Roman government wanted to built such impressive buildings? We don’t have public baths today. Do we have any places that serve the same purpose – to meet in a relaxed manner and discuss business?
Latin Latin was the language used for Roman government and business.
Romance Languages When the Romans conquered new lands, Latin blended with other languages to make new languages called “Romance languages”. These languages are called “Romance languages” because their words have their origins in Rome. Language Phrase (“She closed the window before dinner.”) Latin (Illa) Claudit semper fenestram antequam cenat. French Elle ferme toujours la fenêtre avant de dîner/souper. Italian (Lei) chiude sempre la finestra prima di cenare. Spanish (Ella) siempre cierra la ventana antes de cenar. Portuguese (Ela) sempre fecha a janela antes de jantar/ceiar. Romanian Ea închide totdeauna fereastra înainte de cină.
Romance Languages French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian are all Romance languages, based on Latin.
To the tune of “Yellow Submarine” As Romans conquered the lands around, Their Latin language, spread with a new improved sound. Native languages and Latin mixed, Formed Romance languages that stayed fixed. French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian, They’re called Romance languages because their origin’s in Rome.
Check for Understanding What was Latin used for? How were Romance languages formed? Why are Romance languages called “Romance languages?” What are 5 Romance languages?