How Do Vitamins Work? Video #1 Google Drive >
Water-Soluble Vitamins Ascorbic Acid C Water-soluble means these vitamins dissolve in and are carried by water Water-Soluble Vitamins B9 Folate
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Function: Helps to form collagen which holds the cells together and aids in healing. Helps immune system Food Source: Citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes Deficiency: Scurvy (Breakdown of collagen, bleeding gums and skin hemorrhages)
Swollen and Bleeding Gums Scurvy Swollen and Bleeding Gums Spots on Skin
Scurvy Video #2 google drive Plus Read article
B9 (Folate/Folacin/Folic Acid) Function: Helps the body make new cells Food Source: Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, avocado, romaine lettuce and asparagus Deficiency: Spina Bifida (Neural tube defect that affects the spinal cord during fetal development) Neural tube damage occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy before a woman may realize she is pregnant. Meeting the folate requirement before becoming pregnant is essential for prevention
Spina Bifida The spinal cord begins to develop within the first 28 days of pregnancy. Since folate makes new cells, it is vital that the mother’s body already has a supply of folate in her system to prevent this tragic condition.
Spina Bifida video #3 google drive
Fat-Soluble Vitamins K E A D Remember, fat-soluble means these vitamins dissolve in and are carried by fat Remember KADE?...The King K E A D
Vitamin K Function: Helps blood clot normally Food Source: Dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, collard greens, parsley, etc.) Deficiency: Bleeding and Bruising
Video #4 Vitamin K google drive
Vitamin A Enhances vision, hair and skin Function: Food Source: Red, orange and dark green vegetables Deficiency: Night Blindness
Video #5 Vitamin A
Vitamin D (“The Sunshine Vitamin”) Function: Builds and maintains bones and teeth Food Source: Added to Milk/Dairy Products & from Sunlight Deficiency: Rickets (Bowed Legs)
Vitamin D Video #6 google drive
Video #7 Rickets google drive
Vitamin E Protects the membranes of white and red blood cells Function: Protects the membranes of white and red blood cells Food Source: Vegetable Oils, Fruits and Vegetables Deficiency: Poor nerve connection and neurological problems
Video #8 Vitamin E google drive