TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED LEARNING (TEL) An Approach to E-Learning Services Melissa L. Sta. Cruz BBTE III-1N
INTRODUCTION Productive citizens Education Developed country
Society Digital World
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) E-Learning Virtual Campuses or Online Courses Computer-Based Learning Technology-Based Learning
Support of any learning activity through technology Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) Support of any learning activity through technology Elaborate software systems managing the learning process with technical means
New version of distance learning Presence of the teacher and learner RELATED LITERATURES E-Learning (Seda, Yucel) New version of distance learning Presence of the teacher and learner
Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) Development and enhancement of teaching, learning and assessment Application of ICT to learning and teaching process (Kirkwood, Price) Culture with a robust technology environment (JISC)
Technology-Enhanced Learning (Witt, Neil) Produce competent graduates Encouraging inspirational and innovative teaching Student engagement, satisfaction and retention
How to make the best use of our instructional resources TEL initiatives encourage innovation through collaboration (Groves, Robert) How to make the best use of our instructional resources Optimize the use of digital resources and computer-assisted learning strategies
Objectives of Technology-Enhanced Learning (Speiser, Manuela) New understandings of the learning processes Facilitate transfer and sharing of knowledge Explore interactions
TEL is a key part of learning and teaching in higher education Transformation Enhancement Efficiency TEL is a key part of learning and teaching in higher education (Allen, Jennifer)
Universities and Colleges Information Systems and Association (UCISA) 2008 Survey Two most significant drivers for institutions to invest technologies Enhancing the quality of teaching and learning meeting student expectations
Synthesis E- learning Technology-Enhanced Learning as an approach in E-learning services Benefits and importance of technologies in education
Reaction/comments “Learning for anyone, at any time, at any place.” Learning based on collaborative working, creativity, multidisciplinary, intercultural communication and problem solving Proper use of any product of technology
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