Prof Ann Anderson Research Areas: Fluid Mechanics Heat Transfer Aerogels
Nanotechnology - Aerogels New Lab! Study the effects of chemical reagents and process variables on aerogel properties – Make Better Aerogels! Make non-silica based aerogels Study the mechanical properties of aerogels (crush them and strengthen them). Investigate other possible application areas for aerogels Interdisciplinary
Heat Transfer….. All at the Nanoscale Convection? Radiation? Heat??? Conduction? Solid Gas Heat??? All at the Nanoscale Investigate the phenomena of nano-scale heat transfer in aerogels. Design and build a steady state based sensor to measure aerogel thermal conductivity.
Fluid Mechanics Flow Design and build a flow bench to study the fluid mechanics of gas flow through aerogels (non-continuum flows) Study flow over hydrophobic surfaces (use aerogels to make a hydrophobic surface). Study flow over bird wings and humpback whale fins
Industry Project Design new Fiber placement nozzle Goals: Maximize Heat Transfer Provide uniform flow Improve mechanical attachement (easy access, minimum intrusion). Noise reduction