Texture for Volume Character Animation Peiyi Shen and Philip Willis Graphite 2005 Texture for Volume Character Animation Peiyi Shen and Philip Willis Media Technology Research Centre Department of Computer Science University of Bath UK http://www.bath.ac.uk/media/ 1
Texture for Volume Character Animation Introduction New challenges and applications in manipulating/animating/annotating volume datasets. STAR-EG2005 : Deforming and Animating Discretely Sampled Object Representations, State of the Art Report, Eurographics ‘05, Dublin, Ireland. 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Introduction Volume Datasets - a collection of discrete samples - no geometrical / topological / semantic information -> new challenges in deformation / animation / annotation control 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Introduction Mesh texturing is well-advanced Problems of mesh models? 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Dawn: Curtis Beeson, Kevin Bjorke, Skin in the “Dawn” Demo, Computer Graphics, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2004, pp 14-19. Cubic map of environment; Diffuse colour map / bump map for the front of the head; Vertex shader techniques. 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Skin(BSSRDF): Henrik W. Jensen, Stephen R Skin(BSSRDF): Henrik W. Jensen, Stephen R. Marschner, Marc Levoy and Pat Hanrahan, A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport, SIGGRAPH 2001. Skin(Light-Diffusion): C. Donner, H. W. Jensen, Light Diffusion in Multi –Layered Translucent Materials, SIGGRAPH 2005. 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Spherical Matching: J. Starck, A Spherical Matching: J. Starck, A. Hilton, Spherical Matching for Temporal Correspondence of Non-Rigid Surface, ICCV 2005. Spherical parameterisation 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Mesh Models: Filling Holes in Complex Surface using Volumetric Diffusion [Ref1] An Out-of-core Algorithm for Isosurface Topology Simplification [Ref2] 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Volume Animation: STAR-EG2005 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Motivation Our targets are: 1. To texture volume objects with realistic appearance. 2. To develop a method which is robust to topological artefacts 3. To use scalar-field based semantic constraints to assist texture mapping 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Functionality of our system Plenoptic/cel texture + projective indexing + semantic control + scalar field based volume environments: VLIB (Andrew S. Winter: PhD thesis, Chapter 6, 2002, University of Wales, Swansea) Plenoptic projection plus semantic constraints: effectively a one-to-one parameterisation texture mapping. 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Projection Our system: the pipeline (Left: after the style of Andrew S. Winter, with acknowledgements) 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Projection Our system: Plenoptic/cel texture + projective indexing + … cel cylinder sphere box Texture primitives (Intermediate Template) . (Ox,Oy,Oz) . . P(u,v) 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Constrained Rendering Our system: … + semantic constrained volume rendering. (Ox,Oy,Oz) P(u,v) (Px,Py,Pz) . P(x,y) 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Semantic Constraints spatial temporal iso-surfaces etc Applications: annotation illustration and some more… 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Semantic Constraints Intermediate template 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Semantic Constraints Texture projective mapping 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Semantic Constraints Volume visualisation 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Semantic Constraints Example 1: Semantic constraint Surface texture model: spherical Internal texture model: procedural model Semantic information: distance field Volume rendering engine: DVR 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Appliactions Example 2: Multiple iso-surfaces Volume rendering engine(DSR) will pick up multiple iso-surfaces. 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Example 3: Pseudo-solid texture Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Applications Example 3: Pseudo-solid texture An effective one-to-one parameterisation texture mapping. Figures (a) and (b): DVR Figures(c) and (d): DSR 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Example 4: Semantic constraint (1) Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Applications Example 4: Semantic constraint (1) spatial transfer / semantic layers / volumetric sculpturing 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Example 5: Semantic constraint (2) Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Applications Example 5: Semantic constraint (2) CVG operations / scalar fields functions – splitting 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Example 6: Semantic constraint (3) Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Applications Example 6: Semantic constraint (3) Enhanced volume rendering engine 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Example 7: Semantic constraints(4) Animation Texture for Volume Character Animation Texture Applications Example 7: Semantic constraints(4) Animation Enhanced volume rendering engine: Animation apps. 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Conclusions System features: Volume Rendering Control 2D/2.5D/3D texture models Semantic constrained projective indexing: a practical “one-to-one” texture mapping model. No mesh models, goes directly to volume datasets. 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Acknowledgements UK EPSRC funding the project Project partners: University of Bath, UK Professor Min Chen, Dr Mark Jones, University of Wales, Swansea, UK Professor Deborah Silver The State University New Jersey, Rutgers, USA. Special thanks to Dr Andrew S. Winter for supporting VLIB. Ref: Volume Animation Forum http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/van 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Acknowledgements Thank You 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005
Texture for Volume Character Animation Refs. [Ref1] J. Davis, S.R. Marschner, M. Garr, M. Levoy, Filling Holes in Complex Surface using Volumetric Diffusion, Proc. 1st Int. Sym. On 3D Data Processing, Visualization, Transmission. Padua, Italy, June 19-21, 2002 [Ref2] Z. Wood, H. Hoppe, M. Desbrun, P. Schroder, An Out-of-core Algorithm for Isosurface Topology Simplification, ACM Tran. On Graphics, Vol.23, No.2, 2004, pp 190-208 9/16/2018 Graphite 2005