TITLE OF CONTINUING PROJECT MOST OF YOUR TALK SHOULD EMPHASIZE SCIENTIFIC/TECHNOLOGICAL OUTCOMES WITH RELEVANT DISCUSSION Presenter Affiliation Center for Particulate and Surfactant Systems (CPaSS) Spring 2017 IAB Meeting University of Florida, Gainesville, FL February 14-16, 2017
Project Title Research Team: Name, Name, … Overview: briefly (5-25 words) describe what you will be talking about from the perspective of NON-experts This slide will not be presented. It goes on the other side of the life forms. No more than two (2) graphs/cartoons that relate to the intellectual motivation, scientific challenges and/or broad appeal of the project Technical Information: briefly (5-25 words) summarize the technical aspects of your presentation Industrial Relevance: Company Name, Company Name, …
(Rationale/Impact/Industrial Relevance) Intellectual Motivation: Generation of Scientific and Technological new knowledge (Specific Objectives/Challenges) Tangible deliverables your project is aiming to provide (Specific Objectives) Scientific and Technological Barriers your project is trying to overcome to achieve the specific project objectives Specific Company Relevance
Research Approach/Methods
(Important Results + Message from result) GRAPHS(s) / FIGURE /DATA BULLETS ABC….. DEF…. GHI …. Message
(Important Results + Message from result) GRAPHS(s) / FIGURE /DATA BULLETS ABC….. DEF…. GHI …. Message
(Important Results + Message from result) GRAPHS(s) / FIGURE /DATA BULLETS ABC….. DEF…. GHI …. Message
(Important Results + Message from result) GRAPHS(s) / FIGURE /DATA BULLETS ABC….. DEF…. GHI …. Message
(Important Results + Message from result) GRAPHS(s) / FIGURE /DATA BULLETS ABC….. DEF…. GHI …. Message
Summary Outcomes/Deliverables Specific tasks for next reporting period and anticipated outcomes
Timeline (Gantt Chart) + Achievements Timeline of major tasks incorporated into a Gantt Chart Project specific, - list of papers published, - patents applied for, - grants applied for, - technical presentations at professional meetings, - any other awards, honors (poster/paper competition etc.) Acknowledgment This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1362060 and by CPaSS industry members. Disclaimer Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation/Sponsors.