State Treasury Agency, Azerbaijan Republic


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Presentation transcript:

State Treasury Agency, Azerbaijan Republic Nazim Gasimzade, Chief of the Information Technology department Baku, April 12th, 2018

Business case for a web portal, selection process and realized benefits Overview of requested functionalities SAP based model Third party solution Open source solution Business case and actual business benefits Questions & answers

Requested functionality Utilize digital signature to send documents electronically Online document tracking (contracts, payment requests, etc.) Track documents’ execution time at the local branches Reproduce reports currently available in SAP on the web portal Develop new reports as requested by users after board’s approval Allow users track status of the submitted documents Azerbaijani language is a must have Create a feedback page Create web services for a seamless integration with the systems of the budgetary organizations / line ministries Pave a path for the future integration of the FARABI system

Social Protection Fund Budgetary Organizations WEB PORTAL Ministry of Taxes Central Bank Social Protection Fund Traffic Police

SAP based model Pros: Straightforward implementation No external consultants required No time required to get going Enterprise level support Cons: Low up front investment but high TCO Extensive trainings would be required (user has to adjust to the system) Azerbaijani language is not a part of the standard language pack High level security risks

Third party solution: DocFlow Pros: Semi-integrated solution Vendor itself is in charge of integration Fairly short time required for integration Well established support team Cons: Fair TCI & TCO Solution is more intuitive yet requires adjustment from users Azerbaijani language package would have to be developed Security risks

In house developed Open Source solutions Pros: Low TCO User interface is in Azerbaijani Easy to use (system is adapted to a user) Highly secure Cons: Untested solution No new releases of the system in terms of functionality upgrade etc. Longer time to develop More prone to bugs and needs more fixes as it goes live

Web portal coverage Budgetary organizations submit their contracts, purchase orders, payment requests via web portal using their digital signature Treasury can built reports without inquiring any additional information from budgetary organizations. State Treasury Agency can track response time for submitted documents in every branch, generate reports and take required actions Reports available in SAP system and considered to be of the value for the budgetary organizations, as well as the new reports requested by the end users were added to web portal. To name a few the following reports are present as of right now: Received funds Payments to Social Protection Fund Placed deposits Revenues Expenditures

Users can track status of the submitted documents Payment request Funds returned by bank Cash limit allocation Reconciliation Etc. Users can track status of the submitted documents The only language present in the web portal is Azerbaijan Via feedback page end users can request new features or report issues Web services to exchange data are created rather easily and in a short time

Business Case and Actual Business Benefits Business objectives we initially intended to realize through the project Once the TIMS project’s core system was in place we formulated our strategic development plan that aside from matters related to improving and extending policies and practices in public sector also had a general idea on how to integrate government funded organizations into TIMS. New system had to take on current challenges, reflect and put to use our TIMS’s functionality and capabilities, allow for integration with other line ministries, make it transparent, eliminate fraud and take us further on the path of the Digital Transformation. Online portal had to lay a foundation for a seamless integration with a cloud based ERP system for the budgetary organization. New solution had to take advantage of the regulations and rules, and government-wide acceptance of digital signature New system had to be developed within a given budget constrain

Business Case and Actual Business Benefits Business benefits actually achieved through the project Budgetary organizations were free to submit their documents 24/7 at their own convenience and get online reports reflecting the state of their request up to last second User interface was developed in Azerbaijani language, in-house support may not have a sophistication of the ELS but nevertheless is highly efficient Total cost to develop online portal including involvement of the consultants to develop front-end (html pages, css, etc.) amounted to a little less than $70 000 Totally transparent system that reflects a current state of the submitted requests, reasons for their denials if any, allows for a centralized monitoring of the execution time of the submitted requests