Nancy Capadona International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria Session Title: Regulatory and Institutional Issues: IAEA Regulations from Past to Future Presentation Title: Technical Cooperation Efforts: Improving Safety in Transport of Radioactive Materials Nancy Capadona International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
Manuel Recio, Daniela Caratas, J. Miguel Roncero Martín Technical Cooperation Efforts: Improving Safety in Transport of Radioactive Materials Nancy Capadona, Kasturi Varley, Christopher Bajwa Department of Nuclear Safety and Security International Atomic Energy Agency Manuel Recio, Daniela Caratas, J. Miguel Roncero Martín Department of Technical Cooperation International Atomic Energy Agency
Overview IAEA Technical Cooperation Program Questions Current Status The Basis Regional Projects on Transport Safety Proposed Inter-Regional Project Scope of Project Partner Countries and Donors Participating Countries Conclusions Questions
IAEA/ Technical Cooperation Programme The Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Provides assistance to enhance capabilities of MS to put in place comprehensive governmental and regulatory frameworks Focusses attention on the matter of denials and delays (D&D) of shipment of radioactive material Proposes to include an Interregional Project aimed at raising awareness about D&D and assisting MS in developing mechanisms to make transport of RAM more viable and so, granting better use of nuclear technology
IAEA / TCP: current status Provided technical assistance to MS, to improve radiation safety infrastructure, for many years Encouraging steps have been taken Progress varies from country to country Further steps are needed to address existing shortcomings Joint working group TC/NS to identify strategies for improving and accelerating results
The Basis… …for current IAEA/TC projects on safety on the transport of RAM is to help MS in: developing and maintaining regional networking to take advantage of regional strengths to alleviate the weaknesses in the region building collaborative infrastructure to assist any country in the region irrespective of the IAEA assistance
Regional Projects on Transport Safety To reach compliance with international safety standards To implement the Self-Assessment (SARIS) within national organization, for a result based national action plan To incorporate SARIS results into RASIMS, the IAEA’s tool to visualize MS status on radiation safety To determinate the most appropriate on-going support and assistance at national, sub-regional and regional levels
Updates on Regional TC Projects Involving Transport Asia and the Pacific Islands Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Africa
TC Asia Strengthening an Effective Compliance Assurance Regime for the Transport of Radioactive Material (RAS 9067) Compliance Assurance training completed in Jordan (May 2012) Training and workshops planned for China and New Zealand (Q4 2013) Peer reviews for regulatory programs planned for 2014 Strengthening Infrastructure for Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety (PAK 9037) Workshop in Pakistan on Safety Assessments of Transport Packages (November, 2012)
TC Latin America and the Caribbean No specific TC project for transport safety in Latin America and the Caribbean region Some training courses and workshops related to transport have been made in the past in the framework of Regulatory Infrastructure TC projects, subject to availability of funding
Europe RER-9114 The project is approved by the Board of Governors, but it has not been funded
TC Africa Strengthening an Effective Compliance Assurance Regime for the Transport of Radioactive Material (RAF 9046) First coordination meeting, Zimbabwe, July 2012 Countries completing SARIS are grouped to perform peer review meetings (mini-TRANSAS) 20 peer reviews scheduled for 2013 (6 done) Regional assessment to evaluate results of peer reviews and determine further IAEA assistance to the region
Proposed Inter-Regional Project on Transport Safety (INT2012004) Transport of radioactive materials is a global phenomenon; therefore, associated problems and challenges are global as well Delays or Denials of Radioactive Material Shipment pose challenges to the peaceful development of nuclear technologies in fields such as medicine, agriculture, hydrology, geology, industry, research and the environment Problems with transport in one region of the world can directly impact regions on the other side of the globe Addressing these global challenges calls for a global, inter-regional approach In the next 10 minutes .I will be covering the following points : 1. This system is one of the outcome form the recommendation of the advisory group . 2. I will also talk about the main components or modules of the IMSIMS 3. From these modules , I will be focus on the explaining our idea for receiving the feed back from the application of the Safety Standards , which is so far under development . 4. We will also be having a quick look at the prototype. 5, Finally , what is the current status of the system and its project plan .
Introduction INT2012004 Proposed TC Interregional Project on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (INT2012004) Main Objective To establish an improved regime for a safer and a more reliable transport of radioactive materials throughout the globe, thus contributing to the development of agricultural, hydrological, geological, medical, industrial, research and environmental activities that have need of radioactive materials. Main Participants UN Bodies led by the IAEA Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Targeted Member States (as TC Countries and Partners) Connection between experts and operators A project with a strong forward-looking approach In the next 10 minutes .I will be covering the following points : 1. This system is one of the outcome form the recommendation of the advisory group . 2. I will also talk about the main components or modules of the IMSIMS 3. From these modules , I will be focus on the explaining our idea for receiving the feed back from the application of the Safety Standards , which is so far under development . 4. We will also be having a quick look at the prototype. 5, Finally , what is the current status of the system and its project plan .
Main Features of the Project INT2012004 Think-Tank Regional Experience Gathering Familiarity Training Denial Ambassador Opportunities for Partnerships and Joined Efforts
Think Tank Seeks to capitalize on the collective “brain power” to address complex transport problems Transport problems will vary from region to region Transport problems in one region may impact another region
Regional Experience Gathering Member states will be given the opportunity to share their transport experience Good and bad Easy and difficult What works and what doesn’t Experiences will be shared with: UN Organizations NGOs Member States
Familiarity Training Reviewing and harmonizing existing regional training programmes in transport Sharing established training programmes in transport and training facilities of the various UN bodies and international organizations An opportunity for collaboration to deliver improved training programmes
Denial Ambassador Appoint a roving Denial/Delay of Shipment “Ambassador” to meet with appropriate entities in different regions Engage government and customs officials, carriers, and ports Would visit “hot spots” where DoS is a significant issue The Ambassador will be supported by a network of international experts
Opportunities for Partnerships and Joint Efforts Strong international need to bring together and work collaboratively with UN and International Organizations Need to build effective partnerships, joining experiences and efforts to create synergies aimed at improving the current transport regime for radioactive materials Collaboration with other (ongoing) TC projects that have transport elements will be pursued
Partner Countries and Donors Partner Countries (partner institutions): Institutions in more advanced countries that provide different types of support (both financial and non-financial) and/or expertise for the benefit of other Participating Member States, such as cost-free experts, in-kind contributions, or others Donors Countries and/or institutions providing financial support to specific activities in the project
INT2012004 Participating Countries Ghana, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, and Egypt (TC Africa region) Iraq, Bangladesh, Thailand, and China (TC Asia and the Pacific region) Turkey and Kazakhstan (TC Europe region) Brazil, Dominican Republic, and Peru (TC Latin American and the Caribbean region).
Conclusions TC Projects are a critical part in achieving the overall goals of strengthening the regulatory infrastructure in Member States for safe transport of radioactive material Numerous tasks are planned throughout the world, over the next several years, to improve overall transport safety These tasks will be carefully coordinated so as to leverage the existing resources and transport expertise for the greatest possible benefit to Member States
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