Damascus High School SENIOR PARENT MEETING 2017-2018 Casey
Introductions Casey Crouse, Principal Adam Saltzman, Assistant Principal Amanda Quay, Senior Class Sponsor Laura Schley, Yearbook Sponsor Kristy Poker, Resource Counselor & DEPA (MC Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator) Susie O’Brien, Accuplacer Test Coordinator Casey
Senior Event Information Class Sponsor: Mrs. Quay Amanda_L_Quay@mcpsmd.org 240-207- 2357 Class Officers President: Brandon Rivera Vice President: Tin Do Treasurer: Dyllan Ramirez Secretary: Ryan Trujillo Public Relations: Katelyn Avon Amanda
Graduation TENTATIVE DATE: Friday, June 1, 2018 on DHS Stadium Field (167 Days Away) on DHS Stadium Field Amanda
Every graduate is REQUIRED to attend graduation rehearsal. Thursday, May 31, 2018 Every graduate is REQUIRED to attend graduation rehearsal. Amanda
Caps and Gown Information We order caps and gowns from Jostens Order online at Jostens.com Orders must be in by January 5, 2018 . After this date the price will increase. Amanda
Dates to Note Senior Parent Meeting: 5/3/18 @ 6pm Graduation Ticket Distribution (for indoor seating only) Senior Awards Night: 5/3/18 @ 7pm Amanda
THANKS for helping make this year special for our 2018 Grads! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Senior Breakfast: 4/27/18 @ 7:45 am We need someone to chair and take lead of this wonderful school event. There will also be a need for food donations. Finally, if you can make yourself available, your assistance will be greatly appreciated the day of the breakfast to help set-up, serve, and clean up afterwards. THANKS for helping make this year special for our 2018 Grads! Amanda
Senior Panoramic Picture Friday, September 22nd Orders from vosphoto.com Amanda
Yearbook Information Sponsor: Laura Schley Laura_J_Schley@mcpsmd.org
Yearbooks On sale tonight! – Yearbook and Senior Ad order forms are available outside of room 148 $75.00: Tonight – October 20th $85.00: October 21st – December 22nd $100.00: December 23th – January 31st OR order online at: www.yearbookforever.com Laura
Senior Portraits for the Yearbook Each senior needs to be photographed by Victor O’Neill Studios for inclusion in the yearbook The last make up session will be September 25th. You need to select the image that you would like to be included in the yearbook and make any requests for retouching BY December 1st in order to be included in the yearbook. Need an appointment? The BEST way to schedule is via EMAIL to: jr@vosphoto.com Or call (800) 320-2894 ext. 500 Laura
Senior Ads for the Yearbook ***The early-bird catches the deal!!!*** Cheapest price range runs NOW - Sept 29th Mid price range runs Sept 30th - Oct 27th Regular price range runs Oct 28th - Nov 22nd **You must submit all photographs and text at the time you place your order** We offer this incentive to guarantee that our yearbook staff has enough time to create a high quality product!! Laura
Counseling Office Resource Counselor: Kristy Poker Kristy_A_Poker@mcpsmd.org AP Information Senior Meetings College Planning Video College Planning/Application information Test Prep Support Dual Enrollment Program Assistant Kristy
Advanced Placement Classes Why take AP classes/exams? College Credit Cost/Savings College success Confidence AP Scholar Acknowledgement Kristy
AP Exam Information AP Exams: 5/7/18 - 5/18/18 http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/ap/about/dates Kristy
Senior Individual Meetings Counselors are meeting with seniors individually to review their post-high school plans. Some students and parents also met with their counselors over the summer . Counselors want to make sure that all students have a post high school plan in place and that they have done what they need to achieve their goal. Close monitoring throughout senior year. Open lab in the career center every Monday during lunch to get help with college applications Kristy
College Planning Video In June, students watched a video highlighting the college application process. Students received folders with useful resources and documents (extras are available, if needed). Video is on the DHS website under career center See counselor with questions. Kristy
College Application Information Students complete their applications online. Students need to meet with Mrs. Carey three weeks prior to their deadline (see list of dates in folder). Mrs. Carey meets with students before school, during lunch, or after school. Mrs. Carey sends the official transcript, school profile, counselor recommendation, and any other forms required by the college. Test scores should be sent directly from the test provider (College Board or ACT). Kristy
College Testing SAT II Subject Tests: Test Prep Help: Many four year colleges require SAT II Subject Tests. Last testing dates for these tests are in October. Test Prep Help: SAT and ACT review booklets are available in the Career Center, as well as online. Khan Academy: Everyone has access for free! Catalyst: A private company providing SAT/ACT support. SAT Weekend Boot Camp on September 23rd and 24th from 9 am - 1 pm for $175. Kristy
Montgomery College Concurrent Enrollment Opportunities Program Coordinator: Kristy Poker Kristy_A_Poker@mcpsmd.org As of July 1, 2013 - students eligible to receive reduction in tuition costs at MC Student must still qualify for MC classes based on their GPA and test scores (SAT, ACT, Accuplacer) If interested, please speak with your student’s counselor Currently we are offering Speech and Personal Finance. We hope to offer Speech and Introduction to Business next semester Kristy
Taking the Accuplacer Test coordinator: Susie O’Brien Susan_S_Obrien@mcpsmd.org The Accuplacer is produced by College Board, the makers of the SAT, PSAT and AP exams. The Accuplacer is a test widely used throughout the country and in all public Maryland colleges to appropriately place students in college courses. Susie
CCRCCA The goal of the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act is to ensure all students graduate high school prepared for credit-bearing coursework in college and for career success in the competitive global market. This State of MD legislation requires all juniors to be tested for college/career readiness: MCPS chose to test on either the SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer. Susie
How Does My Child’s Reading Affect Their College Placement? Accuplacer Reading/Writing Scores determine if students will take: College Level classes that will count towards your Associate’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree, OR Developmental classes that do not earn transferable credit - these concentrate on building college level skills. Susie
College Reading Skills I Why Test Juniors? By testing as a junior, DHS seniors will have more time to work towards improving their placement scores before taking the final Accuplacer in the spring of their senior year. Many students do not realize that not all M.C. offered courses will translate to college credit. MC Course MC Course Title # Billing Hours Cost MA090 Pre-Algebra 3 $427.20 $854.40 MA091 Elementary Algebra EN001 Basic English I 5 $712.00 $1,424.00 EN002 Basic English II RD095 College Reading Skills I RD099 $3,702.40 Susie
Accuplacer Plan for Success Seniors, who may be new to the system or did not test as a junior, will take the Accuplacer during the school day on October 11th. Accuplacer results will be used to identify student who need interventions and re-testing may be available. A final free Accuplacer will be given in the spring to seniors who apply to M.C. --also free.! Seniors who did not test “College Ready” in English and/or Math, will be provided with intervention opportunities. Susie
“College/Career Ready” SAT: Reading = 500 or higher Math = 500 or higher ACT: 21 or higher in each subject Accuplacer: Reading = 79 or higher Sentence Skills = 90 or higher Algebra (College Eligible) = 62 or higher College Level Math = 45 or higher Susie
“College/Career Ready” English Grade “B” or higher in the final semester of one of the following courses: Modern World History (any level) AP Language and Composition Honors English 12 Mathematics: Algebra 2 (any level). Susie
“College/Career Ready” Career and Technology Education (CTE) external assessments that lead to a professional license or industry certification as deemed acceptable by the state will also be considered “College Ready.” Susie
Senior Year Matters A Year of Lasts: With Many Lasting Memories: Last year to take classes for FREE! Last chance to prove College and Career Ready. Last Chance to make a good impression to colleges. Colleges request quarter grades, semester grades, and final grades. Last Musical Last Concerts With Many Lasting Memories: Homecoming Prom Graduation Adam
THANK YOU! Please let us know if you have any questions and enjoy the rest of your evening with our teachers. Adam