Promotion of Safety
Universal Precautions Standard precautions are designed to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms from both recognized and unrecognized sources of infection in hospitals. Standard precautions includes the use of: hand washing, appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, gowns, masks, whenever touching or exposure to patients' body fluids is anticipated. As precautionary measure, we will disinfect all equipment pertaining to lab before and after use.
Preventing accidents & Injuries OSHA- Occupation Safety & Health Administration requires employers to inform employees of ALL chemicals and hazards in the work place. MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets; Read MSDS prior to using any hazardous chemicals. Never use solution bottles that are not labeled. Avoid tasting, smelling, or breathing and chemicals!!
Always follow manufacturer instructions for operating equipment. Do not use frayed or damaged electrical cords. Notify instructor/supervisor immediately. If you break or damage any equipment, immediately report to your instructor/supervisor. Report any personal injury or accident, no matter how Minor, to your instructor/supervisor immediately. Do not perform any procedures on a patient unless you have been instructed to do so and have the proper authorization. Discard any broken glass into a safe container…ask instructor
Lab Safety Students are only allowed in the lab with permission from instructor. Safety rules are STRICTLY enforced in the lab. Only use equipment if you have been properly trained. ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE LAB. NO horseplay will be tolerated in the lab setting.
Spills Wipe up spills promptly. Report spills close to electrical devices. Report chemical spills immediately to your instructor/supervisor. Always follow standard precautions when cleaning any spills related to bodily fluids.
All visitors must see the teach prior to joining the classroom All visitors must see the teach prior to joining the classroom. Always respect the classroom and other students!!!! If you do not know, always ask!!