12.3 Notes Bell Ringer: Who was Odoacer and what did he do to the empire and the emperor?
EQ: How does geography influence the way people live? Objective: To find out how culture and location affects prosperity and how both rulers were working with this prosperity.
The New Rome After the Roman Empires civil war, the divided area became the byzantine empire. Greek Egyptians and people from the southwestern Asia moved up With Justinian (The emperor ) the empire prospered . Justinian will later improve the empire . Later the Byzantine Empire will greatly expand to Italy. MINI QUESTION: How do you think water affected prosperity and how the southern Asian civilization there? Provide a route and a map on page 339.
MINI QUESTIION: Predict who might invade the empire? Constantinople Constantine was renamed was moved and named Constantinople It was a peninsula between 2 seas. With the location it became the wealthiest because of boats, fishing and trade routes Because of the location it was protected by water. A wall was present on side 4 and a chain was hung up on the harbor Location also affected a lot of trade routes. Later the chain made it harder for Constinople to attack. The city’s harbor attracted fishing boats as well as trader’s leading to success.
What Cultural Influences Shaped the Byzantines? A major building that games were played in was the Hippodrome. The government helped the poor and laws were enforced. The idols made it the “New Rome” Greek culture spread through the Byzantine empire. Officials spoke Latin or Greek. The Non-Greeks and other southern Asian culture spread to make this empire. The time period of 500 A.D- 1200 A.D is where Christianity spread. MINI QUESTION: How was the spread of Greek culture in the Byzantine empire similar to the spread of culture in another ancient cvivilization?
Crash course review. http://www. bing. com/videos/search Crash course review. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=crash+coure+justinian&&view=detail&mid=8C52AB7459921D CC31FC8C52AB7459921DCC31FC&&FORM=VRDGAR Justinian
How do you think Justinian's rule expanded? MINI QUESTION: How do you think Justinian's rule expanded? Justinian rule -Justinian ruled it in the height of its power -He ruled from 527 A.D to 567 A.D. -Prosperity came with Justinian.
Why do you think Theodore was not interested in living as an outlaw? Who was Theodora? The great emperor’s (Justinian) wife, Theodora was participating actively in government Justinian changed law so just Theodora could get land In a crisis Justinian wanted to evacuate but Theodora wanted him to fight She said she was not going to live as an out law Justinian followed her advice and his empire was back in control MINI QUESTIION: Why do you think Theodore was not interested in living as an outlaw?
Justinian Legal Reforms He made the laws easier to understand by ordering scholars to redesign the laws to make them simpler. This became this became the Justinian code and it helped business. This became the basis of laws today just like the Greek and Roman influences. Most Byzantines spoke Greek as well as government officals. With officals and emperors speaking Greek it spread wildly. Greek language never dies it thrives. We still use the Justinian law in our American legal system basis. MINI QUESTION: Why do you think Justinian hired scholars to reform laws instead of doing it himself?
How were emperor Justinian's contributions important to common people? Byzatine Arts Just like the kings from the era of Alexander the great Justinian wanted to make this empire have good architecture. The Hagia took lots of time and money to build. The Hagia Sophia was a center church with decorated walls. Mosaics are pieces of colored glass and they showed saints who were holy people. He encouraged education among children. MINI QUESTION: How were emperor Justinian's contributions important to common people?
Military Conquests He rebuilt the empire like Rome but he used cavalries just like Alexander had. In a 22 year period Persia and Africa was conquered. In the mid 500’s the “Justinian Plague", wiped out his army and some of the population. Since his army was gone, after Justinian died his conquered land was taken back. Like Alexender Justinian took over Persia. MINI QUESTION: How was the technique of the Justinian army similar to that of Julius Ceaser?
Pg. 365 Review Questions