The Office of Special Education of Berkeley County Schools Special Education Three Year Plan Michele Tost, MA Stephen Peach, MA, BCBA 401 South Queen Street Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401 Phone 304.267.3500 | Fax 304.267.3524
Autism Spectrum Disorder Definition: Developmental disability that effects neurological functioning It is deemed a spectrum because there is a wide array of functioning levels and levels of severity Approximately 1 in 68 (1 in 45 boys and 1 in 189 girls)
Behavior Disorders Definition: A series of emotional or behavioral disabilities that adversely effects ones ability to appropriately adapt socially, emotionally, and/or educationally - WV serves Behavior Disorder and Emotional Disorder students together
Berkeley County Statistics Students receiving services through Berkeley County with Autism or Behavior Disorder programs: 2006 school year: - 60 within our Autism programs - 128 within our Behavior Disorder programs 2016 school year: - About 325 students within our Autism programs - About 230 students within our Behavior Disorder programs
Staffing within these areas Autism programs: - 41 teachers - 58 aides Behavior Disorder programs: - 28 teachers - 29 aides
OSEP Leadership Team Manny Arvon, Superintendent Laura Sutton, General Counsel/Asst. Superintendent Rick Deuell, Interim Executive Director of OSEP Jason Pauley, Assistant Director of OSEP Dr. Shelby Haines, Special Education Consultant Michele Tost, Coordinator/Behaviorist Stephen Peach, Board Certified Behavior Analyst
S pecial education P rogram for A chievement through R einforced SPARK S pecial education P rogram for A chievement through R einforced K nowledge
Program mission and goals To create a Three Year Master Plan to address deficiencies in the District's provision of FAPE to our students with Autism and Behavior Disorders while using ABA as a model To improve student achievement To provide training to ensure personnel are used in the most efficient and effective manner to meet the needs of both the student and the teacher To determine cost effective educational programing To shift focus to data based decisions for learning, behavior and compliance measures To decrease inappropriate behavior, reduce rates of suspension and OSE placements, reduce private day placements
Building a team approach Student School personnel Parent/Guardian
Classroom supports Provide organizational materials
Classroom supports Provide instruction to students through electronic resources
Classroom supports Provide classroom management strategies
Classroom supports Implement ABA principles through instruction and behavior response
What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)? ABA focuses on bringing about meaningful changes in behavior through interventions and continuously assessing the effectiveness of these interventions ABA modifies not only behaviors, but responses to behaviors, and also, the environment in which behaviors occur Key components of ABA include: - Identifying functions of behavior - Teaching Social Skills - Providing prompting - Using incidental teaching - Using Discrete Trial Training (DTT) - Data collection - Providing reinforcement
Spark Schools Year one schools: Rosemont Elementary Spring Mills Primary Potomack Intermediate Eagle School Intermediate Orchard View Intermediate Tomahawk Intermediate
Teach appropriate behaviors and prevent maladaptive behaviors SPARK FOCUS Teach appropriate behaviors and prevent maladaptive behaviors
Teach social and living skills SPARK FOCUS Teach social and living skills
Develop classroom routines and expectations SPARK FOCUS Develop classroom routines and expectations
Spark Schools Year two schools: Berkeley Heights Elementary Hedgesville Elementary Opequon Elementary Tuscarora Elementary Bunker Hill Elementary Spring Mills Middle Hedgesville Middle North Middle South Middle
Spark Schools Year three schools: Valley View Elementary Mountain Ridge Intermediate Mill Creek Intermediate Mussleman Middle Mountain Ridge Middle Spring Mills High Hedgesville High Martinsburg High Mussleman High
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