Session 9 “ICTs for Development” course The Future of ICT4D Session 9 “ICTs for Development” course Aim – to understand emerging digital development models Objectives – participants will be able to: - Identify key technological trends of relevance to the future of ICT4D Explain the technologies, innovations and challenges of Development 2.0 - Explain the technologies, innovations and challenges of data-intensive development - Explain the technologies, innovations and challenges of open development - Consider the terminology of ICT4D’s future
The Future of “D” UN / World Bank BRICS Private Sector Aid MDGs SDGs 9.1. Future Directions in ICT4D Trends in development: smaller role for traditional actors and aid; larger role for emergent actors and private capital flows. MDGs SDGs
The Future of “ICT” DISCUSSION Read Section 9.1 text on ICTs. Which of the ten technologies do you think will be most important to the future of socio-economic development? Why? >No right/wrong answer; key is to understand technological trends and their implications for development Source: NetHope 2015
Technologies of Web 2.0 / Development 2.0 Communication Cooperation Combination Collaboration Connection 9.2. Development 2.0 Definition of Development 2.0 from Section 9.2 text. 9.2.1. The Technologies of Development 2.0 Five categories of Web 2.0 technology. Use definitions and examples from Section 9.2.1 text: Communication ++Cooperation ++Collaboration ++Connection ++Combination Image sources:;;;;
Development 2.0 Innovation A: Users as Digital Producers Creator Enabler Producer Innovator Category Role 9.2.2. Development 2.0 Innovations Users as digital producers: explanation from Section 9.2.2 text.
Development 2.0 Innovation B: The Power of the Crowd The power of the crowd: explanation from Section 9.2.2 text. Source: Eng 2012
Development 2.0 Innovation C: Digital Participation Digital participation: explanation from Section 9.2.2 text. Image source:
Development 2.0 Innovation D: Network Structures Network structures: explanation from Section 9.2.2 text. EXERCISE Select four examples (e.g. from Section 9.2.2 text) and get students to match examples to the Development 2.0 innovation categories. Image sources:;
Challenges of Development 2.0 Structure System Technology Processes Agency (Motivation and Capacity) Content REPRODUCTION Content Quality AMPLIFICATION Technological Divides Social Divides 9.2.3. The Challenges of Development 2.0 Explain overview model, and identify types of Development 2.0 challenge (explain using Section 9.2.3 text): ++Motivation shortfalls ++Social divides ++Technological divides ++Content quality From these see two Development 2.0 patterns (explain using Section 9.2.3 text): ++Reproduction ++Amplification Motivational Shortfalls
IBM’s Four Vs of Data 9.3. Data-Intensive Development Data always present in development but growing salience: data-intensive development. 9.3.1. The Technologies of Data-Intensive Development EXERCISE Read first paragraph of Section 9.3.1 and overview content of Section 9.3.2. i. What are the four Vs of data-intensive development and which one is different from the four Vs offered by IBM (see slide)? >Volume, Velocity, Variety, Visibility >Swapped visibility – which tells us about open data – for veracity, which was not really a trend but a challenge ii. What are the four innovative types of data for data-intensive development? >Big data, Real-time data, Diverse data, Open data Image source:
Big Data for Development 9.3.2. Data-Intensive Development Innovations Big data for development: explain innovation and Ivory Coast example from Section 9.3.2 text. Source: Gutierrez et al 2013 adapted in ITU 2014
Real-Time Data for Development Real-time data for development: explain concept and Indonesia example from Section 9.3.2 text. Source: UNGP 2011
Diverse Data for Development Diverse data for development: explain concept and Haiti example from Section 9.3.2. text. Source: Bengtsson et al 2011
Open Data for Development Open data for development: explain concept and Indonesia example from Section 9.3.2. text. Source: Brajawidagda & Chatfield 2014
Challenges of Data-Intensive Development A Learning Information Knowledge Decision Action Results 9.3.3. The Challenges of Data-Intensive Development Examples of information value chain categories of challenge to data-intensive development (see Section 9.3.3 text): - Data quality and quantity - Data to information techniques and technologies - Absence of knowledge/understanding
Challenges of Data-Intensive Development B Learning Information Knowledge Decision Action Results Key: EXERCISE What does this diagram suggest about the current focus of data-for-development initiatives, and about whether or not they are delivering development results? >See Section 9.3.3. text: ‘upstream’ not ‘downstream’ focus Development Initiatives Open Development in Developing Countries Global Pulse Adapted from Heeks 2014e
Open Development Degree of Openness Open Participation E.g. development of open source software E.g. production of open educational resources E.g. e-participation in governance Open Access E.g. use of open source software E.g. use of open educational resources E.g. e-accountability of government Open Technologies Open Content Open Processes Source Entity 9.4. Open Development Open development = application of open models to international development. Typology of open development: explain dimensions of Table 9.1 using Section 9.4 text.
Open Technologies 9.4.1. The Technologies of Open Development Explain using Section 9.4.1. text.
Open Development Innovations Open Technologies Open Content Open Processes Open Source Hardware Open Access Research Publications Open Innovation Open Production Open Source Software Open Science Open Educational Resources Open Government Open Education Open Data 9.4.2. Open Development Innovations EXERCISE Categorise each of the following open development innovations into either open technologies, open content, or open processes. Open source hardware Open innovation Open production Open access research publications Open educational resources Open science Open government and open data Open education Open source software
Challenges of Open Development 1 Quality and Cost Incomplete Value Chains Too Much Openness? 9.4.3. The Challenges of Open Development Four main challenges (see Section 9.4.3 text): ++Quality and cost ++Incomplete value chains ++Too much openness
Challenges of Open Development 2 Closed Logic Open Logic Values Practices Organisations Individuals Institutional Logic Values Practices Organisations Individuals Institutional Logic Fourth challenge: clashes of institutional logics – illustrate with iDart example in Section 9.4.3 text. Domination of Closed Logic Hybrid Logic Domination of Open Logic
The Future of Development The Future of (ICT4)D Development 2.0 The Future of ICT4D ICT4D 2.5 or ICT4D 3.0 The Future of Development Digital Development 9.5. ICT4D 3.0, Development 2.0 or Digital Development? Discuss different terminologies of the future of ICT4D: use Section 9.5 text.