An Architecture for Decision Support in the Age of Semantic Web Fuhua Lin and Qin Li Athabasca University, Canada Sponsored by National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada The Faculty of Business Administration University of Macao, April 27, 2005
Outline Introduction Intelligent agents Service-Oriented Architecture Graduate Program Scheduling Service Conclusions and Future Work
Computing, Organizations, and BIS need adaptive on-demand businesses and processes to meet dynamic business strategies. Trends (M. Wooldridge, 2001) Ubiquity Interconnection Delegation Human-Orientation Intelligence Business Information Systems Focus on: Collaboration Integration
Businesses and Services Organizations Businesses need new tools to connect with customers and partners by providing The right quality service To the right customer Through the right channel At the right price At the right time Of all sizes
Software Agents help the user in different ways hide the complexity of difficult tasks perform some tasks on behalf of their users teach the users monitor events and procedures help the users collaborate and cooperate The user doesn't necessarily “listen” to what the agent "says"
Agents and their Environments User Preference/Profiles/Tasks Percepts Sensors Networked Agent Environment Actions Effecters Agent-Ready?
What is the Semantic Web? A mesh of information linked up in such a way as to be easily processable by machines, on a global scale. An efficient way of representing data and services on the Web, or as a globally linked database. Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the WWW. Today's Web is oriented toward presentation to people: this is the purpose of html tags <bold>PRINT THIS IN BOLD</bold> on Web pages. After HTML came Extensible Markup Language (XML), which separates the presentation from the meaning <LastName>Obrst</LastName>. However, to a computer this is the same as <%@*&^>Obrst</%@*&^>. A machine needs something that helps interpret what the tags mean. That's were "machine-interpretable" semantics comes in. The Semantic Web is a more efficient way of representing data on the Web. A major thrust of this effort is developing languages for explicitly describing the "meaning" of Web resources, both information and services, so that they can be "understood" by software that needs to select among them or combine them in appropriate ways.
Web Services Technologies HTTP Web Service Web Service WSDL SOAP/HTTP HTTP Registry Web Service Web Service (UDDI) WSDL A Web Service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (WSDL) Other systems interact with the Web Service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP-message, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards. The Power of Web Services, in addition to their great interoperability and extensibility thanks to the use of XML, is that they can be combined in order to achieve complex operations Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) HTTP Web Service Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Integrating Agents with Web Services HTTP Web Service Web Service WSDL HTTP Registry Web Service Web Service WSDL A Web Service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (WSDL) Other systems interact with the Web Service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP-message, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards. The Power of Web Services, in addition to their great interoperability and extensibility thanks to the use of XML, is that they can be combined in order to achieve complex operations SOAP HTTP Agent Web Service
Web Services Services have their properties, capabilities, interfaces, and effects, all of which must be encoded in an unambiguous, machine-understandable form. Services have ontologies that include a machine-readable description of services (as to how they run), the consequences of using the service (e.g., the fee), and an explicit representation of the service logic (e.g., automatic invocation of another service). form, to enable agents to recognize the services and invokes them automatically
Ontologies Are text-based Are put somewhere on the Web for agents to consult it when necessary Are represented using the syntax of an ontology-representation language such as (DARPA Agent Markup Language) DAML, OIL, DAML+OIL, and OWL. provide a set of knowledge terms, including the vocabulary the semantic interconnections some simple rules of inference logic for some particular topic or services. Technically, an ontology is a text-based piece of reference-knowledge, put somewhere on the Web for agents to consult it when necessary, and represented using the syntax of an ontology-representation language. Every such an ontology should provide a set of knowledge terms, including the vocabulary, the semantic interconnections, and some simple rules of inference and logic for some particular topic or services.
Protégé 2000 An extensible infrastructure and allows the easy construction of domain ontology, customized data entry forms. Provides an API that can easily be extended as Web Services.
Applications in Decision Support Scheduling Planning Consulting Advising Intelligent Search FAQ-Answering
An Example: eAdvisor Course selection Program planning Collaboration between universities Integration of educational services
Background to meet the students’ needs to reduce the workload of the advisors On behalf of the students’ advisors, the agent will assist them in generating up-to-date, personalized, and optimal study plans by constantly monitoring and utilizing related information resources.
Related Work Most research has focused on techniques for adaptation at navigational level and at content level. E.g, Dolog, et al. (2004) have proposed Smart Space for Learning which supports access to individualized learning materials and experiences using Personal Learning Assistants. At the program planning level, California State University has set the implementation of the PeopleSoft degree audit system at all campuses to actively monitor a student’s course decisions during registration and to provide information that informs course decisions.
Related Work (Con’t) Kay, Chen & Mizoguchi, have noted the advantage of using ontologies for learner/user models. Razmerita, et al., (2003) proposed a generic ontology-based user modeling architecture, OntobUM, based on the IMS LIP. Planning Advisor on curriculum and enrollment (Gunadhi, et al., 1995)
… University 2 University N Learner UI Learner Information Web Service Notification Web Service UI notify update Advisor/Registrar /Administrator Learner Information Web Service request delegate Scheduling Agent DB Monitoring Agent MSc IS Ontology Web Service Learner Data Base UI monitor Brokering Services delegate/ notify request/respond Course Schedule Web Service Course Schedule Web Service Program/Course Data Base Ontology Course Schedule Program/ … University 2 University N Program/Course Data Base
AU's MSc-IS Program Based on the MSIS 2000 Model Curriculum, with the additional rigor of a technology specialization. MSIS 2000: Model Curriculum and Guidelines for MS Degree Programs in Information Systems sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Association for Information Systems (AIS). It is endorsed by the leading information systems organizations.
MSIS Ontology
MS IS Ontology (Con’t)
Protégé 2000 classes relate to each other
User Interface
Knowledge Representation Job Objectives [MSIS 2000]: ---------------------------------------------------- JO01: Advancement in current job JO02: First or middle IS management: 603, 602, 605, 604, 607, 610 JO03: Management consultant: the same as JO02 JO04: Internal consultant/senior staff: the same as JO10 JO05: CIO: 605, 610, 603, 602, 604, 607 JO06: Business analyst: 607, 603, 602, 610, 605, 604 JO07: Entrepreneur: the same as JO06 JO08: Outsourcer/systems integrator: the same as JO06 JO09: Project manager: the same as JO05 JO10: Systems specialist: 603, 607, 610, 604, 602, 605 JO11: Technical specialist: 604, 602, 610, 603, 605, 607 JO12: IT Liaison: the same as JO05 JO13: A Ph.D. program leading to teaching: the same as JO11 JO14: Electronic commerce specialist: the same as JO11 J02, J03: 603, 602, 605, 604, 607, 610 J04, J10: 603, 607, 610, 604, 602, 605 J05, J09, J12: 605, 610, 603, 602, 604, 607 J06, J07, J08: 607, 603, 602, 610, 605, 604 J11, J13, J14: 604, 602, 610, 603, 605, 607 Career Tracks [MSIS 2000] ------------------------------------------------------------ CT01: Academia (path to Doctorate) CT02: Consulting CT03: Data Management and Data Warehousing CT04: Decision Making CT05: Electronic Commerce CT06: Enterprise Resources Planning CT07: Global IT Management CT08: Human Factors CT09: Knowledge Management CT10: Managing the IS Function (Internal to IS) CT11: Management of the IS Function (external to IS) CT12: New Ways of Working CT13: Project Management CT14: Systems Analysis & Design CT15: Technology Management CT16: Telecommunications
Job Objectives [MSIS 2000]: ---------------------------------------------------- JO01: Advancement in current job JO02: First or middle IS management JO03: Management consultant JO04: Internal consultant/senior staff JO05: CIO JO06: Business analyst JO07: Entrepreneur JO08: Outsourcer/systems integrator JO09: Project manager JO10: Systems specialist JO11: Technical specialist JO12: IT Liaison JO13: A Ph.D. program leading to teaching JO14: Electronic commerce specialist Specialization: S1: System Development S2: E-Services S3: Theory Groups of Job Objectives: G1= {J02, J03, J04, J09} G2= {J04, J10} G3= {J13} G4= {J05, J06, J07, J08} G5= {J11, J12, J14} JO = Job Objective SP = Specialization CC = Core Courses EL = Elective Courses IN = Integration Project/Thesis AS = assessment style G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 S1, S2, S3 AS JO SP AS G1: 603, 602, 605, 604, 607, 610 G2: 603, 607, 610, 604, 602, 605 G3: 605, 610, 603, 602, 604, 607 G4: 607, 603, 602, 610, 605, 604 G5: 604, 602, 610, 603, 605, 607 CC IN EL S1: 610, 617, 667, 607 S2: 636, 641, 648, 660, 689, 607 S3: 674, 607 (G1, Si), (i=1, 2, 3): E, P (G2, Si), (i=1, 2): P, E (Gi, S3), (i=2, 3, 5) : E, P (G3, S1), (i=1, 2): P, E (G4, Si) (i=1, 2, 3): E, P (G5, Si) (i=1, 2): P, E
G5 ^ S3 ^ E G4 ^ S3 ^ E G5 ^ S3 ^ P G3 ^ S3 ^ E G4 ^ S3 ^ P G5 ^ S2 ^ P G2 ^ S3 ^ E G3 ^ S3 ^ P G4 ^ S2 ^ E G5 ^ S2 ^ P G1 ^ S3 ^ E G2 ^ S3 ^ P G3 ^ S2 ^ P G4 ^ S2 ^ P G5 ^ S1 ^ E G1 ^ S3 ^ P G2 ^ S2 ^ E G3 ^ S2 ^ E G4 ^ S1 ^ E G5 ^ S1 ^ P G1 ^ S2 ^ E G2 ^ S2 ^ P G3 ^ S1 ^ P G4 ^ S1 ^ P G1 ^ S2 ^ P G2 ^ S1 ^ P G3 ^ S1 ^ E G1 ^ S1 ^ E G2 ^ S1 ^ E G1 ^ S1 ^ P
G5 ^ S3 ^ E G4 ^ S3 ^ E G5 ^ S3 ^ P G3 ^ S3 ^ E G4 ^ S3 ^ P G5 ^ S2 ^ P G2 ^ S3 ^ E G3 ^ S3 ^ P G4 ^ S2 ^ E G5 ^ S2 ^ P G3 ^ S2 ^ P G5 ^ S1 ^ E G1 ^ S3 ^ E G2 ^ S3 ^ P G4 ^ S2 ^ P G1 ^ S3 ^ P G2 ^ S2 ^ E G3 ^ S2 ^ E G4 ^ S1 ^ E G5 ^ S1 ^ P G1 ^ S2 ^ E G2 ^ S2 ^ P G3 ^ S1 ^ P G4 ^ S1 ^ P G1 ^ S2 ^ P G2 ^ S1 ^ P G3 ^ S1 ^ E G2 ^ S1 ^ E G1 ^ S1 ^ E G1 ^ S1 ^ P
Representing the relations between the job objectives and the career tracks in MSIS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OB01 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 02 | x x x x x 03 | x x x x x x x 04 | x x x x x x x 05 | x x 06 | x x x x x x 07 | x x x 08 | x x x x x 09 | x x x 10 | x x 11 | x x x x x x x 12 | x x x 13 | x 14 | x A[xij]14x16
Career Tracks Career Tracks [MSIS 2000] ------------------------------------------------------------ CT01: Academia (path to Doctorate) CT02: Consulting CT03: Data Management and Data Warehousing CT04: Decision Making CT05: Electronic Commerce CT06: Enterprise Resources Planning CT07: Global IT Management CT08: Human Factors CT09: Knowledge Management CT10: Managing the IS Function (Internal to IS) CT11: Management of the IS Function (external to IS) CT12: New Ways of Working CT13: Project Management CT14: Systems Analysis & Design CT15: Technology Management CT16: Telecommunications
Mapping between Career Tracks and Courses 602 603 604 605 607 610 695 * 617 636 641 648 660 667 674 689 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X X X X X * X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CT05 X X X X X X X X X CT06 X X X X X X X X CT07 X X X X X X X X X CT08 X X X X X CT09 X X X X X X X X CT10 X X X X X X X CT11 X X X X X X X X X X X CT12 X X X X X X CT13 X X X X X X X CT14 X X X X X X X X CT15 X X X X X CT16 X X X X X X CT01 CT02 CT03 CT04 CT05 CT06 CT07 CT08 CT09 CT10 CT11 CT12 CT13 CT14 CT15 CT16 B[yij]16x19 Preferences ?
Mapping between Career Tracks and Courses COMP 501 503 504 601 602 603 604 605 607 610 695 617 636 641 648 660 667 674 689 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CT01 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CT02 X X X X X X X X X X X X X CT03 X X X X X X X X CT04 X X X X X X CT05 X X X X X X X X X X X X X CT06 X X X X X X X X X X X X CT07 X X X X X X X X X X X X X CT08 X X X X X X X X X CT09 X X X X X X X X X X X X CT10 X X X X X X X X X X X CT11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CT12 X X X X X X X X X X CT13 X X X X X X X X X X X CT14 X X X X X X X X X X X X CT15 X X X X X X X X X CT16 X X X X X X X X X X B[yij]16x19 Preferences ?
IMS LIP Student Models interoperability of Learner Information systems student’s basic information, the student’s learning goals , learning styles, concerning every MSc IS Ontology’s curriculum building block and courses together with the student’s Job objectives and backgrounds. Be updated by the system every time the student completes a course. √ √ √ √ GPSS traces the learner’s profile by building a Student Model. We use the IMS LIP 1.0.1 standard ( suitably extended to represent the student’s profile. IMS LIP 1.0.1 addresses the interoperability of Internet-based Learner Information systems and supports the exchange of learner information. This model represents, in addition to the student’s basic information, the student’s skills concerning every MSc IS Ontology’s curriculum building block and courses together with the student’s Job objectives and backgrounds. The representation of the student’s profile is updated by the system every time the student completes a course.
Web page relationship in eAdvisor Display previous study Plan (s) if the student already has it (them) Login page Front Controller Servlet (control tier) Enter preferences and plan parameters (Initialize Petri nets) Generate new study plans Model tier (A class using Connection pool to Get data and return tag and result set) Tag 1: successful or not Tag 2: already have plan or not Tag 3: have taken course or not Student basic information Transcript Learner model Plan parameters DB Connection Pool Program Ontology Curriculum model Business Rules
Preprocessing and real-time processing Learner preferences Score node representation scheme initialization Score node representation scheme Score evaluation Requirement Parameters Learner Model DB Decision logic Score node selection Curriculum model Course Metadata Plan
Student Model RDF file <student rdf:ID="KB_657368_Instance_52"> <identificationslot> … … <goalslot> <accessibilityslot> <transcriptslot> <transcript rdf:ID="KB_657368_Instance_62"> <coursePNML rdf:datatype =""> 8234967.pnml </coursePNML> </transcript> </transcriptslot> </student> > We build our student model based on IMS Learner Information Specifications. There are eleven categories in the IMS Learner Information Specifications. For the sake of simplicity and usability, we adapt four categories in our student model. They are identification, goal, accessibility and transcript. These four categories are enough for us to generate study plans and contact student. Our student model extends the IMS Learner Information Specifications in the transcript category. This category in IMS is only defined as an interface, no any detailed specification. We define transcript in student model as the file name corresponding to the student’s PNML file. That file contains all the information of student’s study progress. And it also includes the course prerequisite relationships. We believe that prerequisite relationship is unique for each student, because that relationship can update with time progresses. We should use this prerequisite relationship to generate study plan that can match this relationship.
Program Modeling using Petri Nets Places (local states) and transitions (local activities). Concurrent behavior by partially ordered sets. Graphical representation Formal: Graph theory, Linear algebra. Both links can be exploited for the verification of systems. The Petri Net Kernel (PNK) provides an infrastructure for bringing ideas for analyzing, for simulating, or for verifying Petri Nets into action. Petri nets sharply distinguish between states and activities (the latter being defined as changes of states). This corresponds to the distinction between places (local states) and transitions (local activities). Global states and global activities are not basic notions, but are derived from their local counterparts. This is very intuitive and suits well the description of a distributed system as the sum of its local parts. It also facilitates the description of concurrent behavior by partially ordered sets. While being satisfactorily formal, Petri net also come with a graphical representation which is easy to grasp and has therefore a wide appeal for practitioners interested in applications. By their representation as bipartite graphs, Petri nets have useful links both to graph theory and to linear algebra. Both links can be exploited for the verification of systems.
Overall procedure of adding a course into a curriculum Petri net Add a transition for the course Does the new course have prerequisite courses? Start No Yes Read Petri net into myNet from Course.PNML Find the outPlace of one prerequisite course Input New Course Name Get the inscription information for that prerequisite course from Process of getting logical relationship between prerequisite courses Add InPlace, place name “Ready+CourseName Input all the prerequisite courses Add an inArc connecting that outPlace of prerequisite course with the new course transition. Set inscription information for that prerequisite course Indicate the logical relation between pre-requisite courses Add InArc to connect Inplace and new course transition. Add Transition, Place and Arcs into the Petri net according to the previous information Find all The prerequisite courses ? No Yes Add outPlace Save Petri net (myNet) Into Course.PNML Add OutArc to connect new transition and outPlace. No inscription End
Determine the logical relationship between those prerequisite courses Start Display the prerequisite courses you have entered Input, among those Prerequisite courses, totally student need to finish at least how many courses Display four types of logical relationship between those prerequisite courses (AND, OR, X OUT OF TOTAL, X OUT OF TOTAL while some are mandatory Get your choice Switch choice
Courses >= Expected Courses? No Start Available Courses >= Expected Courses? No Read planning parameters Yes Calculate all the combinations of selecting expected courses from available courses Read course KB Already Try all the combination For this semester ? Yes Yes Is this the first semester ? Read the student profile No No Determine the Ready-to-take courses Select next combination of courses to be taken in this semester, and save this combination and Petri Net Move back to the Previous semester Get all available courses among the ‘Ready-to-take’ courses Restore the previous Petri Net, Modify the course Petri net to simulate the activity of taking those selected courses End Use CPT(C), CPT(E), CPT(I) to determine the Preferred courses Finished All the required credits ? Yes Add all the study records of all the semesters into one study plan Move into next semester No
Courses >= Expected Courses? No Start Available Courses >= Expected Courses? No Read planning parameters Yes Calculate all the combinations of selecting expected courses from available courses Read course KB Already Try all the combination For this semester ? Yes Yes Is this the first semester ? Read the student profile No No Determine the Ready-to-take courses Select next combination of courses to be taken in this semester, and save this combination and Petri Net Move back to the Previous semester Get all available courses among the ‘Ready-to-take’ courses Restore the previous Petri Net, Modify the course Petri net to simulate the activity of taking those selected courses End Use CPT(C), CPT(E), CPT(I) to determine the Preferred courses Finished All the required credits ? Yes Add all the study records of all the semesters into one study plan Move into next semester No
Ranking the result Rank the result according to the Induced Preference Graph from the best to the worst For each preference, if we find only one plan, end; if we get more than one plans,
optional optional optional optional optional mandatory optional (5) DONE COMP602 DONE COMP603 DONE COMP604 DONE COMP605 DONE COMP607 DONE COMP610 DONE COMP695 optional optional optional optional optional mandatory optional (5) COMP617 DONE COMP617
o o o 5 4 ISC o ISF o o 3 CTE 1 CTP patterns m m m m m COMP602 COMP501 Done ISC 4 ISF Done ISF o COMP605 COMP504 m o COMP607 COMP601 m o COMP610 m COMP695 COMP667 COMP667 COMP617 COMP617 COMP636 COMP636 COMP648 3 CTE Done CTE COMP648 1 CTP Done CTP COMP660 COMP660 COMP689 COMP689 COMP641 COMP641 COMP674 COMP674
Program Done COMP696 1 1 COMP697-9 Choice pattern. COMP697 COMP698 CTE COMP696 Done ISF 1 Program Done Done ISC 1 COMP697-9 Done CTP Choice pattern. Done COMP697 Done COMP698 COMP697 COMP698 COMP699 Sequential pattern
Program Structure Represented by Petri Nets mandatory 1 5 COMP695 p11 COMP636 1 p20 p9 optional m 1 COMP605 p12 p28 p10 COMP617 p21 1 m 1 1 COMP602 p13 1 1 COMP667 p22 1 COMP696 m COMP603 p14 1 1 1 1 m COMP648 p23 p1 COMP504 p5 1 COMP697 m COMP607 p15 1 1 1 p16 COMP660 p24 p29 1 m COMP610 m p2 COMP503 p6 1 COMP689 p25 1 COMP698 1 m 1 1 p30 p3 COMP501 p7 1 1 p18 COMP641 p26 m COMP699 m p4 COMP601 p8 COMP604 p17 1 p19 COMP674 p27 p31 Foundation Core Career Track Electives Graduation Project/Thesis
Program Maintenance
PNML-represented Curriculum Model <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <pnml> <net id="n1" type="BlackTokenNet"> <name>unnamed</name> <transition id="COMP501"> <name> <value>1</value> </name> </transition> <place id="READYCOMP501"> <marking> <value> 1 </value> </marking> <name> <value>READYCOMP501</value> </name> <initialMarking> <value> 1 </value> </initialMarking> … <arc id="a1" source="READYCOMP501" target="COMP501"> <inscription> <value>MANDATORY</value> </inscription> </arc> </net> </pnml> READYCOMP501 COMP501
Steps to Plan-Generation Read planning parameters (job objectives with their priorities, expected numbers of courses for the following four semesters and the expected graduation year): Ji, Pi, i=1,.., l; ci, i =1, …, 4, g; get KB from the Ontology WS; Map the Job Objectives to the courses: C[zik]mxn = A[xij]mxk x B[yjj]kxn (m, n, k>0); Read student’s PNML file from Student Model WS; Initialize a Petri Net, pn; Travel through pn to find the “ready-to-take” courses, Cr; Get “available courses” next semester from Course Schedule WS, Ca; Determine the preferred courses with Ji and Pi, and preferred assessment style from Student Model WS; If the number of Ca < the number of C1, and current semester = 1, end; Calculate all the combinations of selecting expected courses from available courses; For each combination simulate the plan and calculate the utility of the plan by considering the temporal constraints and credits constraints.
An example of plan generation Student Bill Woods already finished COM501, COMP503, COMP504, COMP601. And he asked eAdvisor to create study plan for him start from Spring 2005 to Fall 2006 (graduation) From Bill’s Petri Net file “read-to-take” courses are COMP602, COMP603, COMP604, COMP607, COMP610, COMP667, COMP648 Bill’s job objective is Electronic Commerce specialist(JO14). Comp603 exempted. So, eAdvisor finds that the courses matching his job objectives are COMP501, COMP503, COMP504, COMP601, COMP695, COMP604, COMP607, COMP636, COMP648, COMP660, COMP667, COMP689
eAdviosr selects the preferred courses based on his job objective from the prerequisite-ready courses, and get the following courses Bill would prefer to take in Spring 2005. They are COMP604, COMP607, COMP667, COMP648 eAdvisor calls the course schedule Web service and get to know that only COMP604 and COMP667 are available in Spring 2005. So eAdvisor draws the conclusion that the only good choice for Bill in Spring 2005 are Spring 2005: COMP604 and COMP667. Fall 2005: COMP607 and COMP648 Winter 2005: COMP695 and COMP697 Spring 2006: COMP698 Fall 2006: COMP699
Scenario-based Planning For Students What if I want to graduate in two years? How many classmates will I get if I take course Y? Any good study patterns to follow? What if I change my Job Objectives? For administrators How many students may take course X next Spring? How many students will/may graduate next year? Is there any conflict in course selection and program schedule? What if our program collaborates with University ABC’s similar program?
Conclusions Web Services are currently contributing to shape the processes of business modeling, solution creation, service delivery, and software architecture design, development and deployment. Agents and Web Services are complementary Knowledge modeling is still a bottleneck of the development of such systems
Future Work Factors affecting the performance of the agent in course choosing and scheduling Software testing of Web Services Distributed Adaptive Learning Environments: Collaborative Universities Privacy and Trust Issues
t1 p1 t3 t3 t1 p2 p1 p1 p4 p1 t2 t4 p3 t2 p1 t4 State machine p1 t2 p3 t2 t4 t4 t1 t1 t3 p2 t3 p4 Graph