HV & LV status LV system in W+1 and W+2 is OK LV tower cabling is almost ready in W+1 and W+2, including LV trigger and MAO cables. LV commissioning of W+1 and W+2 will begin in March 2007. HV installation in control room (6 racks) is underway. W+1 and W+2 are OK. Local cable will be prepared and installed in March HV multi-conductor cables will be connected by the CPE company and tested by Napoli people starting from March the 19th. CAEN fixed the synchronization problems (Software) but is still working on the HV board thermal instability. HV commissioning of W+1 and W+2 will begin when the cable will be ready (end of March) P. Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Napoli
DCS status Upgrade to the last version of PVSS and JCOP The condition DB schema is almost ready and is under discussion, it will be implemented in march New CAEN firmware (all boards) is under test, sync problem have been fixed Barrel has been test with 1 full wheel OK We don’t have now hardware to test 5 wheel We have to do the same job for the Endcap Anna Cimmino has been developed the Endcap part and she can take care if we find a CERN contract 6 months long. P. Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Napoli
Schedule and people HV commissioning: G. Polese, D. Lomidze, P. Paolucci HV multicond. Cable test: P. Noli, D. Lomidze LV commssioning: G. Polese, D. Lomidze, P. Paolucci LV cable test: G. Passeggio, A. Vanzanella DCS barrel: G. Polese, P. Paolucci Condition DB for DCS: G. Polese DCS endcap: A. Cimmino ?? HV endcap: Pakistan, ? HV multicond. Cable test: J. Crotty LV endcap: Pakistan, ? P. Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Napoli
HV & LV components status P. Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Napoli
Components - numbers modello ordinati consegnati mancanti SY1525 2 A3485 - MACISTE 3 1 A3512N - HV 80 47 33 BC A1676 7 A3000 - CRATE 34 A3000FB - FAN 14 A3486S - MAO 5 A3009 - LV 60 57 Late delivery To modify Late delivery P. Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Napoli